We Got Your Phone

Dr. Rob Marvenko has 15 years of experience in the chiropractic profession and has created a unique and innovative phone-training system which teaches front-line staff at offices like yours exactly how to handle clientele. The system is called, €œWe Got Your Phone,€ and it€™s all about guaranteeing accountability from your front-line staff. It€™s also about taking the pressure of your shoulders. This system will ensure that your staff members are fully accountable at all times, without requiring any time or effort from you. Cost-effective and highly rated, this system aims to improve the image of your practice. If you€™re running an office and you want to ensure that front-line staff members receive the training that they need in order to handle phone requests with professionalism, as well as caring, compassionate spirits, then you€™ve definitely come to the right place.

Sold By: We Got Your Phone


Training your staff on proven phone script that gets patients calling your office scheduled| A designed script for you office that is proven to work| Training manuals and on line videos for 2 receptionists | Regular secret shopper calls to your office to ensure accountability| Recording of calls emailed to you with evaluation and action steps to correct any problems| Live phone training with our specialists to make sure they are reproducing the material