The Thigh-High 442 light therapy boots (show above) feature the Microchip LED diodes technology called surface mounted diode (SMD) which is the highly advanced dual diode chip-set technology. Each chip-set house Near Infrared 850nm light waves and Red Light 630 nm light wave in the same chipset, which eliminates the tissue voids of the older “through-hole” LED systems. Another impressive feature of the SMD technology is that it offers a significantly wider spread of the light particles with our 120-degree aperture projection compared to the older “through-hole” technology of 20–30-degree aperture projection. This spreads the critical energy evenly over the leg/foot. These diode chipsets are flat and offer maximum comfort to your patients during treatments. Those patients suffering from edema will appreciate this significantly more comfortable technology as well It is well known that peripheral neuropathy is systemic and even though your patients may only be feeling symptoms in their feet or hands, treating the entire legs/arms significantly add to the overall efficacy of the treatments by increasing the blood flow in the entire legs and arms and thus, increasing blood flow to the feet. Bottom line, during months of testing in the Pulsed Neurocare Center using the SMD technology on peripheral neuropathy had proven to be a much better medial application than the older “through hole” technology.
One of the features of both the boots systems are they feature built-in Straps. Which makes patient setup much smoother and significantly faster.
The 6 port controller is the most advanced controller (brain center of system) on the market. You can use the many preset pulse rate program or dial the Neurocare Pro 6-port to any frequency you choose from 1-9999 hertz rate. So if you read a study that suggest a particular hertz pulse rate is effective on a specific disorder, with our 6-port, you have it at your fingertips.
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