Killing Sacred Cows
Company: Freedom Fast Track
Address: Sandy, UT
Phone: 800-549-4532
Web site:
Description: Killing Sacred Cows from Freedom Fast Track is a book written by Garrett B. Gunderson to help you tackle nine specific financial myths. It reveals the shocking truths kept hidden by the traditional financial industry. By the time you’re done reading this book, it’s said that you’ll know more about personal finance than most financial advisors. You don’t have to wait thirty years to prosper. You’ll discover how to take control of your finances now. After reading it, you’ll scoff at generic recommendations from financial advisors who push the same products on every client regardless of their unique personal goals and financial blueprint.
- Learn to create controlled, cash-flowing investments
- You can maximize the productivity of your resources, reduce risk, and retire well
- Debt may not be what you think it is. Learn the proper definition of debt
- Net worth is a poor indicator of wealth and your ability to retire well. What matters is cash flow
- How to identify the hidden factors that are causing you financial pain and misery
- Learn how to increase your returns and reduce your risk through smart, value-based investing