Adrenal C Formula

Company: ICA Health

Address: PO Box 26021 Tucson, AZ 85726

Phone: 888-237-3625

Web site:

Description: Adrenal C Formula from ICA Health is a unique vitamin C complex formulated to meet the specific requirements of the adrenal glands during stress and adrenal fatigue.* It provides ascorbic acid reacted with minerals essential to the adrenal hormone cascade and HPA axis stress response.* These chelated mineral ascorbates are pH balanced to minimize gastric irritation and avoid increasing systemic acidity associated with adrenal fatigue and stress.* Bioflavonoids in a 1:2 ratio with vitamin C enhance its biological and antioxidant activity.* Integrated sustained-release caplets slow absorption to promote sufficient tissue saturation for optimal utilization.*


  • Optimal dosage of vitamin C for absorption based on megadosing studies
  • Sufficient citrus bioflavonoids to fully potentiate vitamin C activity
  • 5 minerals vital to HPA axis and nervous system function during stress
  • pH balanced and buffered to be easy on stomach
  • Sustained release integrated throughout the caplet, not just on the surface
  • 1 of the 4 products in Dr. Wilson€™s Adrenal Fatigue Quartet® protocol


Sold By: Ica Health