January 8, 2012 — A study published in Nutrition and Metabolism is the first to show how omega-3 fatty acids play a role in metabolic processes with respects to blood sugar and fat processing, reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Numerous studies in the past decade have shown clinical support for the use of omega-3 fatty acids supplements to assist in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke but this is the first to show a link to type 2 diabetes.
Professor Brier leads an international research team and indicates omega-3 fatty acids improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps to burn metabolic fuels (glucose and fat) better, and can regulate energy storage across different tissues.
“These findings are important because the ageing process is closely linked with a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome — a clustering of risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and obesity,” says Professor Breier, chair of human nutrition at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Albany, N.Y..
Along with a healthy diet and exercise omega-3 fatty acids supplementation can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Currently there are 26 million confirmed diabetics and 79 million pre-diabetics in the U.S. Spending on diabetes will exceed $180 billion in 2012 according to U.S. government statistics. A new proactive approach combining lifestyle modification and natural supplements with clinically proven ingredients is needed.
ProactiveLife was founded in 2011 to help people living with chronic disease take control of their health. The approach incorporates community, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements which have been clinically proven to assist people with type 2 diabetes.
Source: ProactiveLife, www.proactivelife.com