September 10, 2010 — The Parker Alumni Association elected four members to serve on its board of directors. Dr. Steve Brooks ’99, Dr. Bart Patzer ’93, Dr. Vincent Scheffler ’07, and Dr. Mary Warren ’00 will work to continue the vision, leadership, and legacy that has been established throughout the years.
For more than 10 years, Brooks has been practicing in San Angelo, Texas at Sunset Chiropractic. He has consecutively earned the award of San Angelo Favorite Chiropractor each year from 2004 to 2009. He specialized in golf fitness and is Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) certified.
Patzer, a third generation upper cervical doctor, has been practicing at Patzer Family Chiropractic in Austin, Texas, for sixteen years. He is part of the Upper Cervical Health Centers (UCHC) team and serves as a district franchise manager. He’s certified in Chiropractic Spinal Trauma.
Scheffler currently practices at Reagan ChiroSport Center in Dallas. He specializes in sport specific rehabilitation for athletes as well as techniques like diversified and graston. Scheffler is also a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a certified chiropractic sports physician.
Warren practices at Vital Force Wellness in Dallas where he meets patients’ needs through myofacial and the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). She is also involved in Toastmasters International and American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA).
Source: Parker College of Chiropractic,