March 17, 2012 — Steven Shoshany, DC, one of NYC’s top chiropractors, was a guest on the Emmy-award winning NBC program, The Dr. Oz Show March 14, 2012.
A clip of Shoshany’s segment is available via The Dr. Oz Show’s website:
The purpose of Shoshany’s appearance on The Dr. Oz Show was to show how safe, effective, and easy chiropractic treatments are to eliminate back pain by addressing and correcting the root cause of the problem.
Dr. Mehmet Oz discussed how recent studies show that chiropractic and physical therapy should be a patient’s first choice and are the best bets in the fight against back pain. Dr. Oz presented chiropractic adjustments as a superior choice over painkillers and surgery for the treatment of back pain, which the acclaimed surgeon believes are over-prescribed and not necessary in most cases.
Back surgery is only recommended for critical cases where the damage is irreversible and would not respond to other types of treatment.
In his practice, Shoshany educates patients on the dangers of prescription painkillers, which should be reserved for extreme cases of severe pain.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from prescription drug overuse every 19 minutes in the U.S. As hazardous and unsafe as painkillers can be, they are prescribed with alarming frequency. Long-term use of prescription painkillers can cause permanent liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, and brain damage, as well as cardiac and respiratory failure, which can lead to death.
During his segment on The Dr. Oz Show, Shoshany talked to Dr. Oz about the long-term health benefits of regular chiropractic adjustments as a treatment for pain as well as a valuable preventive measure.
Shoshany wrapped up his segment by performing an adjustment on an audience member who was suffering from back pain. This allowed the public to see that chiropractic is not a complicated science, but is rather a simple, straightforward, natural remedy for pain and other ailments.
Dr. Oz’s audience and viewers had a first-hand look at the ease with which an adjustment can restore comfort and well-being without the harmful risks and side effects that are associated with more mainstream treatment options.
Source: Steven Shoshany,