March 11, 2009 — Chiropractic is gaining greater acceptance on a daily basis in part because of the increasing amount of research demonstrating its effectiveness and safety. One particularly rich area involves the care of children, expectant mothers, and family health and wellness. In order to help facilitate the dissemination of this research, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic (JPMFH) was launched.
According to Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, editor of the journal, “More and more families are choosing chiropractic for a good portion of their healthcare needs because of its effectiveness and safety. People want to avoid costly and unnecessary drugs and aggressive interventions when they can, so they are seeking alternatives like chiropractic.”
Recent research supported by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) has shown that not only is chiropractic extremely safe for children but that it is also very effective. In the study, which involved more than 10,000 pediatric visits to chiropractors, 66 percent reported improvements in their presenting complaints and another 8 percent reported improvements unrelated to their presenting complaints.
With more research being produced the need arises to support the infrastructure that comes along with it and one of those needs involves publication of research findings. The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic is expected to help provide a venue for this very important research.
The Editorial Board is made up of Stephen C. Marini DC, PhD; Barbara Loe Fisher; Christopher Kent DC, JD; Martin Harvey BSc, MChiro, MACC; Joel Alcantara; Linda Mullin DC, CACCP, FICPA; Liz Anderson-Peacock B.Sc, DC, DICCP; Martin Rosen DC; Curtis Fedorchuk DC; and Drew Rubin BS, DC, CCSP, DACCP.