November 18, 2011 — What do structural balance, muscles, and a strip of stretchy fabric have to do with one another? How about a tension relief and postural improvement device?
A newly designed support, the Str8-n-Up, makes use of physics, conditioning, and spandex to help create a stylish, simple solution to some structural problems.
While not a “back support,” the Str8-n-up is an accessory designed to assist and retrain the muscles of the upper back, chest, shoulder girdle, and neck to help relax and realign. Unlike a back support belt, which is designed to strap the trunk and support the muscles, the Str8-n-up is designed to be worn, not during activity, but rather several times throughout the day while taking an activity break.
Worn for just 15 to 30 minutes at a time, the muscles of the upper back, shoulder girdle, and neck are stretched and realigned and seem to have the ability to function more effectively.
So what is the Str8-n-up? It is a two piece postural accessory — a band and buckle. The fabric is comfortable, breathable, and very durable. The buckle was designed for ease of use, strength, and has been tested for environmental safety.
The inspiration for the band is the infinity symbol. From the company’s logo, to the design of the band, to the buckle itself, the figure “8” abounds around the Str8-n-Up. This symbol represents perfection, unity, and balance from the cultures of ancient India to Tibet, and this is the core objective of the Str8-n-Up concept.
The tension of the band can easily be adjusted by a single, double, or triple twist of the fabric. It cups the edge of the shoulders, gently pulling the neck muscles downwards as well as pulling the chest muscles back to release tension and conditions the user to what proper form should feel like to help prevent hunching and slouching.
“The big difference between this and other products,” says Virginia Redmond, inventor and holder of a pending patent, “is that I use a fabric that conforms and cups the shoulders, which gives for a gentle pull of the muscles and allows the user to freely move around, leaving them to continue their daily routine without feeling constrained by a tight apparatus. Str8-n-Up is based on body memory and conditions the user to understand what proper form should feel like. It is stylish, gentle, comfortable and simple. With laptops, computers and video games as part of our daily lives, we truly are in front of a monitor for long hours every day. Slouching causes many health issues and we truly have to be mindful of our form.”
At the heart of any fitness activity is keeping proper form. When proper form is practiced it helps to minimize injury to muscles and future health issues. Physical balance is created through a healthy, strong body and becoming aware of how you use it. Str8-n-Up gently supports proper shoulder placement, and allows for natural body movement.
It helps to keep you mindful of your shoulder positioning without limiting your movements. As such it is an excellent accessory for children playing video games. The gentle reminder that Str8-n-Up offers to avoid slouching and rolling the shoulders forward goes farther than any verbal reminder.
And as far as de-stressors go, after long hours in traffic or traveling Str8-n-Up is a gentle assist to relax muscles and assist with muscular stress fading away. While Str8-n-Up can be used during some physical activities, it is most suitable to wear 30 to 45 minutes prior to an activity, or as a rest break following particularly stressful activities.
Source: Str8-n-Up,