Allergies are ravaging the American public, especially children.
Peanuts are now seen as much of a danger as bringing a gun or a knife to a school. Why are allergies on the rise with the general public, and why are people only seeking answers through medications?
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, approximately 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, and they spend up to $4.5 billion annually on medications and doctor visits.
With medications tending to have unwanted side effects, perhaps allergies are the plague that will bring the general public to chiropractic for their health needs. Are you ready for them?
The reason you can help most allergy patients is that, unlike most of western medicine, chiropractors do not treat the allergy; they treat the person with the allergy.
The treatment technique
The premise should be familiar to you; chiropractors have been helping patients with allergic symptoms for over 100 years. Chiropractic allows the body to heal itself, and there are many ways to help people with allergies. You can be confident with simple, safe, and effective strategies that directly address your patient’s specific allergy.
Unlike other health issues such as low-back pain, which can occur in varying degrees, allergies are an all-or- nothing phenomenon. You either have allergies or you don’t. It’s like turning on a light switch.
The trick is to find the switch specific for that individual and turn it off. Doctors believe that the reason this technique can work dramatically well is that an allergy is usually an overreaction of the nervous system to something it should not be reacting to at all.
The intervention uses a combination of chiropractic, applied kinesiology, acupressure, and homeopathy. This allows you to specifically influence the nervous system to stop it in its tracks from overreacting to a stimulus or allergen (whether dietary or environmental in origin). Using these four holistic tools, you can stop the overreaction of the nervous system directly, and in many cases immediately.
The acupuncture points on the head were discovered thousands of years ago, and are known to be incredibly powerful. They can be stimulated to desensitize the nervous system to a specific trigger.
The reason this technique can work immediately is that it is not the food or pollen that is the problem, it is the nervous system getting too aroused and overreacting to it. Using these head acupuncture points while the patient is neurologically challenged allows you to calm the nervous system down in a specific manner; namely, by placing a homeopathic vial of the suspected allergen on the patient’s skin.
(Embryologically, the skin and the nervous system are intricately related.)
Next, use muscle testing to measure the degree to which the patient is reacting to the agent. If the patient weakens to the stimulus (dog hair, for example), you now have the patient touch the area of suspected dysfunction.
This is known as Therapy Localization, and two studies recently published in the Journal of Functional Neurology and Ergonomics validated Therapy Localization’s ability to alter muscle function on manual muscle testing.1.2
Triggering reactions
The most common areas triggering the hypersensitivity reaction are the upper cervicals, the cranial region, and the acupuncture meridians that begin or end on the head. When you find these points to be active, the therapy consists of tapping the acupuncture head points approximately 80 times to desensitize the nervous system to the offending agent.
Use homeopathics when testing food sensitivities to mitigate the possibility of an anaphylactic reaction to a particular offending food. In regard to seasonal allergies, you can open the window in your office and have the patient take several deep breaths and see if that causes a muscular inhibition on manual muscle testing.
This stimulation of the acupuncture points along with your normal chiropractic adjustment can, in most cases, restore normal balance to the nervous system and alleviate the symptoms within 30 days. As stated earlier, sometimes the hypersensitivity reaction stops immediately while the patient is in your office.
Return to homeostasis
The nervous system has a central integrative state, known as homeostasis, and this is why patients need to have regular chiropractic treatments along with the above stimulation of the meridian head points to decrease overall nervous tension.
Because allergies also have a histaminic or adrenal response, you might want to muscle test your patient to see if he or she should take some natural anti- histamines or adrenal support supplements in conjunction with the technique.
These approaches nurture the healing process and do not make patients dependent or cause them to become drowsy. There are several high-quality nutritional supplement companies that service the chiropractic profession. Talk to them and ask about their histamine and adrenal modulating supplements.
While these techniques may appear miraculous, they are really science properly applied. Patients need to follow your advice regarding other health issues such as exercise, eating well, and receiving regular wellness treatments. Remember, health is what you do for your body minus what you do to your body; and if you can keep the positives greater than the negatives, your patients can be allergy-free within a month.
D.D. Palmer famously said, “Too much or too little energy is disease.” In the case of allergies it appears to be a dramatic, and sometimes life threatening, demonstration of too much energy. You now have a simple strategy you can add to your armamentarium to help people with allergies in a profound way.
Eugene Charles, DC, DIBAK, graduated from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1987. He acquired his diplomate in applied kinesiology (AK) in 1994, and has certified hundreds of doctors in AK through his seminars and DVD programs. He is the author of Precision Adjusting for the Master Chiropractor, and developed the first online AK Certification Course. He can be reached at 800-351- 5450 or through
1 Rosner AL, Leisman G, Gilchriest J, et al. Reliability and Validity of Therapy Localization as Dete––a Cohort Study. Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics. 2016;6(2):85-96.2 Rosner L, Charles E. Therapy Localization in Applied Kinesiology: Validation by Means of Blinding in a Cohort Study. Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics. 2016;6(2):85-96.