August 15, 2013 — The Masters Circle has released their lineup of speakers for this year’s SuperConference, which will be help in Orlando, Fla., Sept. 26–28. The theme will be “Finding Your Voice.”
Your voice — your most precious asset, both personally and professionally — has to always be nurtured and maintained. The Masters Circle has approached the question of “How does one find their voice?” with a systematic framework that each speaker at the conference establishes and builds upon with each presentation.
Speakers at the conference include Dick Versendaal, DC, a chiropractic master and student of BJ Palmer; Jeff Hays, an internationally-renowned filmmaker and serial entrepreneur; Bob Hoffman, president and CEO of The Masters Circle; Jared Yellin, CEO of Synduit, a leading marketing agency for chiropractors and small businesses worldwide; Richard Flint, one of America’s top personal development speakers and motivators; and Tedd Koren, founder of the industry-shifting Koren Specific Technique.
Source: The Masters Circle,