June 12, 2008 — Manitoba Chiropractors’ Association has elected its new board for 2008 and 2009.
John Toth, DC, of River Park South Chiropractic was elected president, and Sony Canteenwala, DC, of Canteenwala Chiropractic was elected vice-president.
The newly elected directors are Bill Mulhall, DC, of Nassau Chiropractic Centre;, Brian Graham, DC, of Dr. Brian Graham Chiropractic Centre (Portage la Prairie); and Brian McWhiter, DC, of Stradbrook Chiropractic Centre.
Lay board members are Fr. Fred Olds and Carla Pindera. Ernie Miron, DC, of Kingswood Chiropractic Centre is registrar.
Source: Manitoba Chiropractors’ Association, www.mbchiro.org