February 14, 2011 — Jarrow Formulas Inc. has donated more than 6,000 bottles of vitamins — 2962 bottles of “PomGuard” a pomegranate extract that provides the complete spectrum of pomegranate phytonutrients and 3,068 bottles of “Sterol Mega,” a formula that promotes healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels — to Green Wells EECP Health Center.
Green Wells EECP (enhanced external counter pulsation) Health Center is an independent outpatient EECP clinic founded and operated by Jared Wells, an experienced EECP therapist. EECP is a noninvasive treatment of coronary artery disease.
The clinic is operated by a renowned team of medical professionals and physicians exclusively devoted to enhancing health through a natural bypass. Green Wells is an outpatient center that offers a noninvasive treatment for angina, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure.
The clinic’s top priority is to educate its patients and illustrate a lifestyle that will not include a life with persistent fatigue or shortness of breath. Not only will the patient experience a dramatic change in lifestyle, the education provided to the clinic’s patients empowers them to take control over the quality of their life. EECP is 100 percent painless, safe, requires no medicine, has no negative side effects and is FDA-approved.
Source: Jarrow Formulas, www.jarrow.com