Rick: Welcome to the Tuesday webinar series, “Chiropractic Economics Webinar for Doctors of Chiropractic.” I’m Rick Vach, Editor-in-Chief of “Chiropractic Economics.” Today’s webinar, “Riches in Niches: How to Add a High-Value Cash Service to Your Practice Without Wasting Time and Money,” is sponsored by Specialized Practice Consulting. And as always, our program is being recorded and will be archived at Chiropractic Economics website, chiroeco.com/webinar, for one year. Our expert is on board today to speak with you, and when his presentation is complete, we will follow up with a Q&A period. You can submit questions throughout the presentation by clicking on the appropriate chat icon on your screen.
Our presenter today is Vince Leone, a second-generation chiropractor who struggled in practice until shifting to become a specialist in neuropathy treatment. He subsequently merged his practice with his father’s, and they quickly grew it to seven figures per year in revenue, one of the largest in Washington State. Dr. Leone, thank you for taking the time to participate in our webinar and for sharing your expertise. But before we get started, can you please give us a brief background for your work in founding Specialized Practice Consulting?
Dr. Leone: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Rick. Great to be here. And, you know, I founded SPC when I realized how powerful these niches are and how they can change doctors’ lives. You know, I was a dead-broke chiropractor, making 10K a month with 9K in bills. It was lean times, but everything changed when I entered this world of high-ticket niches. And I knew that if it could work for me, it could work for other doctors as well. So, we opened the company in actually back in 2016. We’ve grown substantially every year. And super excited to share this information with all your listeners today.
Rick: All right. Thank you very much. And now we’ll hand it over to you for the presentation.
Dr. Leone: Awesome. So, hello, and welcome to the “Riches and Niches” live webinar. My name is Dr. Vince Leone from Specialized Practice Consulting. And I help doctors with the training and marketing for high-ticket niches, like chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic knee pain, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis. And today, you’ll get some crucial information that will greatly impact your success as you move forward with adding or growing a high-ticket niche in your practice. So, I’m super excited to have you here and super excited to share this information with you. Of course, we’re presented today by collaboration with SPC and “Chiropractic Economics.” Very excited about this partnership. And I expect we’re gonna be on for about 45 minutes. I’m not gonna waste your time, we are gonna get into the meat of this thing. But, you know, maybe you wanna grab some water, pen and paper because I definitely think you’ll want to create…or sorry, to take some notes today.
And my goal is very simple today. I want to show you the possibility of these high-ticket niches and a massive impact that it can have on you in your practice and your family. And adding $240,000 per year in cash, which would be an extra 20,000 a month, would that make a big impact on your life? What could you do with an extra 20K a month, right? Could you save heavily for retirement, make significant investments, take your family to vacation, pretty much anywhere you want, maybe treat yourself? Well, you know, I’m here to tell you, it’s not only possible, it is probable when you follow the simple system I’m gonna lay out for you today.
We help doctors add anywhere from 10K a month to 50K a month. Every doctor’s a little bit different, in terms of what they want, what their goals are, etc. But 20K seems to be the most common jumps in revenue, at least in the first year with our programs. But if I could show you how to add $240,000 per year in cash without wasting a ton of time and money into overpriced equipment, and without turning your existing practice upside down and creating a mutiny by your staff, would you be interested in investing a small fraction of that so that I could teach you the ropes, show you a proven model so that you don’t have to go through the same mistakes that I did back in 2009 when I started out? To me, it was like running blindfolded through the forest, you know, got a lot of bumps and bruises. There’s no reason to go through that pain and misery for you. And I hope so, right? But we’ll talk about that later.
Right now, let’s start into this presentation. I wanna tell you a very quick story about Dr. Kyle Pinken. So, he was one of my early clients. He started with me in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic, I think it was March of 2020. He ended up having his biggest year in practice ever in 2020, then he had his biggest year ever in practice in 2021, and then he had his biggest year in practice ever in 2022, right? How cool is that? I mean, just life-changing. He told me this quick story, he went on a vacation with his family, and he said it was the first vacation ever where his wife didn’t complain, or she wasn’t even concerned about money, right? She even upgraded one of their excursions to the VIP option. So, how cool is that? I mean, little things, big things. I mean, it depends on where you’re coming from, but it’s a different type of life and practice when you can add these niches.
Or Dr. James, he started with me at the beginning of 2021. He doubled his monthly revenue and then just renewed for year two in 2023. And what’s really interesting about Dr. Mike is, you can see on his shirt there, it says, “Holistic Family Chiropractic.” Well, that is a practice that he was together with another chiropractor, they’re in the same building. And because of what he’s done in 2022, he actually split off from that partner. There was no hard feelings. He was just, “Hey.” He started Premier Joint & Spine and because he invested in himself, in the equipment, and the staff, and his practice is blowing up, and he was different, right? He was no longer this traditional chiropractic practice. Now, he was a specialist and wanted that to be reflected in his name, what the office looked like, services, how the patients were treated, etc.
So, as you begin your journey down this high-ticket niche rabbit hole, you’re gonna have two paths, right? Path A and path B. And here’s what those look like. So, Dr. A, they invest in great equipment, they invest in a mentor, they follow a proven protocol, they implement proven pricing, they follow proven marketing, they implement proven enrollment strategies. Do you see a trend here? They deliver outstanding clinical outcomes, which is the most important thing. And they have a successful niche built onto their chiropractic practice, and they do it without wasting time and money, that makes them very happy.
Now, the other option is Dr. B, right? They invest in great equipment. They do not invest in a mentor. They piece a protocol together, they kind of guess at the right price point, use marketing a little haphazardly. They use a traditional ROF, and they have a hard time enrolling patients, right? They deliver unpredictable clinical outcomes, and they have what is an unpredictable and typically unsuccessful niche practice, and they end up selling their equipment at a loss in two to three years. Unhappy, right?
So, the point here is, I want you to make the right decision as you kind of set off into this journey because these niches can just create a tremendous amount of freedom for you. They can change your practice, they can change your life. But there’s a right way and a wrong way. Now, one example is Dr. Fenger. So, when Dr. Fenger started with me, he and his wife were doing about 25K a month with an 18% enrollment rate, right? Or a conversion rate, we like to say enrollment rate. I don’t really like to say we convert patients, it doesn’t really sound right to me. So, we talk about enrolling them into care, okay? So, within 30 days after joining our program, he had increased his enrollment rate to 61%. So, in other words, instead of one out of five patients saying yes and joining the protocol, three out of five, right? And he just had the biggest month in 9 years at 45K. He had all the right equipment, but he had not hired a mentor and was struggling, right? So, he was tired of taking that route B and hired me, and then had dramatic and extremely fast results.
Now, does everyone have these massive changes? No. I mean, let’s be honest, not everyone’s gonna do great. Dr. Krome, though, she added an extra $100,000 in total revenue for 2022. She was able to pay off this big credit card bill that was hanging over her head and now is able to make strides towards putting money into retirement. So again, not everyone adds a quarter million to their practice, but, hey, a 100K in cash is still life-changing. It still moves the needle. And I really expect in 2023, I think she’s gonna do much better. So, I throw that out there because I want to be realistic. You know, sometimes we see ads on Facebook like, “Oh, did $500 a month.” Really? I don’t know, doesn’t matter. Point being, is our doctors are making between or adding between 10k and 50K a month, and it’s life-changing even though it’s not hundreds and hundreds of thousands a month.
So, here’s where it gets exciting, right? Today, in this webinar, we’re gonna go through the simple four-step profit niche system for chiropractors. Because, unfortunately, as I just said, many doctors have tried to successfully add a high ticket niche but they failed, right? They saw the power of these niches and they just tried to figure it out. That’s kind of what chiropractors do. We are entrepreneurial in nature, and we just kind of figure it out. We bootstrap things. This is not where you want to figure it out. I can just tell you from my experience. So, today, I’m gonna show you what’s worked at the highest levels of practice and how you can model it. And as Tony Robbins says, who’s someone I’ve followed for a long time is, “You can shrink decades into days by finding a mentor who’s already done what you want to do, and then just model them.” Right?
So, if you stay to the end, I have two gifts for you. I’m gonna give you free digital copies of my two books, “The Ultimate Guide to Neuropathy for Chiropractors,” and the book dedicated on decompression, “The Six-Figure Decompression Map.” So, if you stick with me to the end, I’ll give you simple instructions on how to get these two books for free. And then we can also throw in the “Riches in Niches” ebook if you would like. Awesome. Okay, let’s move on. So, now you may be wondering, “Who is this guy?” Now, maybe you see me on Facebook, heard me on a podcast, one of my YouTube training videos. But essentially, you know, who am I and why should you listen to me? So, I graduated 2007, did an internship for two years with my father. Went off on my own, struggled terribly. Again, I was making 10K a month, and I had 9K bills. I had a wife and a child at home, our first child. Life was not pretty. It was actually very, very scary. It was a very scary time.
And my coach at the time said…because I was in a very busy business park, there’s 10 other chiropractors, right? And they’re all established. My coach was just like, “Hey, you’ve got to set yourself apart, you know?” And so he turned me onto neuropathy. So, I dove, you know, both feet in right with that niche, and it changed everything. By 2012, we had merged with my father who was doing decompression. I had given a full marketing plan, we got that ramped up, and then we were off to the races. And we actually, you know, we did decompression, neuropathy, and a little bit of knee pain. And then we actually created a three-clinic franchise with two other like-minded doctors. We marketed all under Sound Pain Solutions, the franchise brand.
And that continues to this day, really operating very successfully, dominating Western Washington. I only say this so that you know that you’re listening to someone that’s done it doing 150K to 200K a month in cash, all right? That’s the only…not to impress you, to impress upon you that at least you’re listening to someone that has been there. And it wasn’t 30 years ago, okay? Most consultants are like so old, I don’t even know what they’re… They’re still here, they’re still trying to sell their stuff, but it’s old teaching. You know, maybe it worked in the ’80s, Mercedes ’80s. But these days, we need new contemporary methods and strategies.
So, in 2018, I moved into full-time consulting, took all the skills, treatment protocols, marketing, staff management, enrollment procedures, and put it in all to a simple step-by-step process. Wrote three books, founded Specialized Practice Consulting. Now, invested $4 million for 3 clinics over 5 years. We did a tremendous amount of advertising, and I was intricately involved. So, that’s important because, with these niches, it’s like, first thing you gotta know, how to get sick patients well. Second thing, you need to know how to reach them and get them into the clinic. And now I’m full-time coaching and consulting. Absolutely, love it.
And since moving into consulting, I’ve lectured, do podcasts, stages, webinars, interviews, etc., on how to build these niche practices successfully. This is my specialty, right? I’m not trying to be all things to all chiropractors or healthcare professionals. I think this actually goes beyond chiropractors. I just focus on niches. And so, you know, we have really strong YouTube channel. If you’re ever interested in learning more about that, go visit that, thousands of followers on Instagram. Facebook, appeared on NBC several times talking about these power of the niches.
But here is the problem, guys and gals, maybe this isn’t you, but many doctors are struggling, struggling, and they’re hanging onto this old model of chiropractic. Now, what does that look like? High volume, or at least that’s the attempt, right? As many patients as possible. So, high volume, low fee, 40, 50 bucks an adjustment. Heavy insurance, you beat up your body, you’re chained to the office. If you’re not there, you’re not making money. Uncertain retirement. And this typically causes grumpiness, like this old guy.
Now, these practices suffer from what I call the rollercoaster effect, right? One month you’re up, one month you’re down. One month you’re happy, one month you’re south. One month you can pay your bills, one month you can’t. Just not very fun, very stressful. And for these doctors, practice isn’t fun anymore, right? It’s a struggle. Always trying to push the rock up the hill. And they want a better way to practice. Does this resonate? But they don’t know who to trust. And I get it. Consultants in our industry are pretty slimy. I mean, I’m not trying to deny that, I would like to change that image. But you cannot deny the concept of coaching and consulting because it is proven in sports at the highest level, executives at the highest level. In every capacity, coaching and consulting is a successful model. Unfortunately, in chiropractic, it’s been bastardized and abused a little bit. But again, that’s something that I want to change. But I call this the chiropractic crisis, right?
So, what’s the solution? Well, in my opinion, the solution is high-ticket niches, right? And that’s why we’re all here. And one of the cornerstones to high-ticket niches is they all have what I call the cash multiplier effect. So, what this means is that these practices, they have the systems, the protocols, and the strategies in place to go directly to a consumer with a big problem, provide a unique solution, and then ask and receive a large check to fix that for them without insurance involved, right? So, it doesn’t matter what the economy is doing, whether there’s a worldwide pandemic, or that there’s 50 doctors down the street, right? You’re in a category of one when you specialize, and you have this cash multiplier effect, it creates a Teflon shield around these practices, and it creates a tremendous amount of peace of mind, right? Even during turbulent times. And then in good times, I mean, look out.
Now Dr. Basquez is a really good example, like we were talking about before. He was with another practice management company for 18 months, right? And struggled the entire time, was not happy, but locked into the contract. He was very skeptical about jumping on board with me. But after our consultation, you know, I just told him, “Hey, doc, I feel like I can help you. And I don’t think it’s big, massive things that you need. I think there’s a couple small levers. Like that old saying, right? Big doors swing on small hinges.” So, he jumped in, he put in the effort, and within 30 days, he had enrolled 3 patients into care and generated an extra 11K that month. How cool is that? So because what it boils down to is, when you do this right, you are going to make a shift from generalist to specialist. So, instead of one of many chiropractors in your city, you’re gonna put yourself into a category of one doctor who specializes in treating a particular niche. And you’re gonna do it very well.
I call this the new era of high-ticket niches. So what does that look like? So, it basically takes the old model and flips it on its head, right? So, new era is low volume. Now, I’m not talking about free chiropractic practice. And I’m not saying shut that down by any stretch. I’m saying, “Hey, let’s create a new revenue stream, right?” So, this new era, this is for the niche, right? So, keep your chiropractic practice as is, grow it, whatever. But over here on this niche, we’re gonna do low volume, high fee, all cash or darn close. We’re gonna leverage staff, systems, and technology so that you can utilize that all the expertise that you have gained over the years. You’re gonna have more free time, more energy, and more wealth. So, in essence, we are working smarter, not harder, and making more money in the process. How cool is that? That typically causes confidence.
Like, this guy, or Dr. Hofflin, he was stuck in practice doing like 25K a month, decided to jump into the niches, picked neuropathy, ramped up to 70K a month. And then look at that text, Tuesday, he was on the lake. How cool is that? Now, here’s a few other texts I’ve received from clients, which are always cool to get. On the left there, Dr. Jeff, he’s looking at a new office space. In the middle, Dr. Jenny, enrolled two decompression patients that morning. How fun is that? It’s like an 8K day already. Dr. Gilbert going two for two that day. So, it’s just fun stuff, right? And it’s great to have someone to share your wins with. I mean, you don’t really wanna necessarily share it with your staff because they’re gonna probably ask for a raise but certainly with your spouse. But it’s nice to share it with your coach and other doctors in your group. And we encourage that, right? Because it’s motivating for you and the other doctors.
Now, here’s a quick question for you. Raise your hand. I can’t see you, but raise your hand if you feel insurance is going to get better in the future. In other words, are they gonna start paying you more money for your services? Now, keep those hands up. Who thinks insurance companies are gonna suddenly start to like and respect us? Does anyone have their hands up? Of course not. They have very little respect for chiropractors. And in the old model, we’re stuck in their game playing by their rules, okay? In the world of high ticket niches, this is our game. We make the rules so that we can win it, right? So, how do we join this new era?
And let’s dive into this. Remember, that’s the four-step profit system for chiropractors. I’ve broken it down into a very simple system, right? Four keys. And before we dive in, if this sounds too easy or too simple, please don’t be fooled. The best things in business oftentimes are simple. You know, it’s just about execution. And this came through my personal blood, sweat, and tears. So, let’s go ahead and dive in.
Key number one is to level up. Level up. Now, whether you’re doing decompression, whether you’re doing… Can I take a quick detour? Decompression is not dead, guys and gals. I hear that a lot. “Oh, isn’t decompression dead? Isn’t it played out?” Well, are there any less patients that have significant disc problems that are trying to choose between drug surgery and some alternative nonsurgical solution? No, there’s actually more than ever, right? And these surgeons aren’t actively searching these patients out. There are so many of these patients, they are desperate for a nonsurgical drug-free solution to their chronic back pain usually caused by a bulging, herniated, or degenerative disc. Okay? So, decompression is not dead. It’s actually a fantastic niche and aligns properly and perfectly with a chiropractic practice.
So, I digressed. Back to key number one, level up. So, regardless of the niche, right? Chronic back pain, chronic knee pain, chronic foot pain. You must level up and truly become an expert. Crazy, right? Let me give you an analogy. Say I go buy a fancy race car, it’s some Porsche 911 GT3. Does that make me a race car driver? No, no. It actually probably makes me dangerous, right? Because I don’t know how to drive a car like that. It’s the same thing when you buy a table, or a laser, or a shockwave, or a soft wave, you’re not an expert. Just because you bought a piece of equipment, you must level up, right?
And I say this with love and compassion because I’m not trying to put anyone down. I’m just saying this is just reality, you have got to actually become an expert if you wanna charge expert prices. So, we need to put concentrated effort to learn everything about the condition that we are aiming to fix, right? And you can do that through mentorship, postgraduate training, studying research, online education, etc. But you need to know more than 95% of doctors about that particular niche. And you darn better know more than that patient coming in because if they came in with some research or paperwork about this niche that you don’t know about, that really weakens their confidence and trust in you, right?
So, people that have big problems want to go to an expert. I’ll tell you a personal story. This just happened. I have two daughters, 9 and 13, Sienna and Gemma, Gemma is the oldest. She’s 13, she’s a gymnast, competitive gymnast, right? Five days a week, four hours of session. Is that crazy? I don’t know how she gets everything done, but she does. She’s 13 years old, and she’s amazing. But she has a stress fracture at the L5 pars. We did conservative chiropractic care for eight weeks and got nowhere. Went and got the MRI, and sure enough, it was a stress fracture. Do you think that I went to a local MD, or anyone else, PT, DC to treat this condition that could have an effect on the rest of her life? Heck no.
First of all, I did a lot of research, then I found a pediatric orthopedist who specialize in pediatric sports injuries. That’s all he does. He’s the coach for the U-dub dive team and about five other teams, the guy’s a stud. And he’s an hour away, and I drove. And now she’s gonna get fitted tomorrow for her Boston brace because we’re gonna do it right because we want it done and fixed for the long term, right? That’s the power of being a specialist.
So, people have big problems, they want to go to an expert, right? And leveling up, putting in that time, effort, and energy, it creates confidence for you, right, to evaluate the patient properly and qualify them. In other words, yes, you’re a good candidate or no, you’re not. That orthopedist, the first thing he said is that, “Hey, I don’t always get to say this, but we can fix this.” Do you think that inspired confidence in us? Yes. Yes, it did because that doctor had confidence, right? So, leveling up, this will serve you in the ROF.
Next step number two, dial it in, dial it in. I’m referring to your protocol, okay? So, if you get one thing out of this presentation, let it be this. If you’re gonna ask for a check for three grand, or five grand, or six grand, or whatever the number is, you must be able to deliver outstanding clinical outcomes. Now, this may seem like common sense, but I talk to a lot of doctors and they’re just trying to figure it out, right? They kind of say, “Well, this is practice.” No, no practice is, you know, back in school where you’re learning how to adjust, differential diagnosis, all that type of stuff. With these serious conditions, it’s best not to practice, right? You need to follow a proven model. So, you know, I see doctors, they took us some advice from like the equipment company or maybe a buddy. And then they kind of shoot from the hip on how to treat these things. And it’s just not good. It’s not good. That is not leveling up, right? So, you gotta dial in your protocol.
And the stakes are high, right? Because if you think about it, it’s like these conditions, like, okay, so if you have a chronic back issue, you have a disc that you’re thinking, “Maybe you’re gonna go to surgery, can’t work, can’t sleep, can’t play with your kids, marriage is crumbling because you’ve had this chronic pain condition for one to two years or maybe longer.” That’s a big situation. You’ve got to deliver those outcomes. So, that’s why a proven protocol is absolutely massive. So, that’s step number two.
Step number three, the Houdini method. You all know who Harry Houdini is, right? He is the famous magician. You know what? He was also a great businessman. And there were two things he did that stood out. He put himself into a category of one. So, in other words, there was lots of magicians in his day and age that were doing card tricks, tons of card tricks, right? But he recognized, “Hey, if I do this, these card tricks, I’m just gonna be one of many. I’m going to create this escape act, right? I’m gonna lock myself in a box and dare people that I can’t get out of it.” And then he did. And then people were thrilled. He was in a category of one, right, because no one else was doing it.
Number two, he embraced marketing. So, this was like what? In the ’30s or something like that, maybe even earlier. But he embraced marketing to get his message out about his show. So, he started a film company when there were barely any film companies and promoted his show. He would show up to a new town where his show was going on that night. He’d go to the police and say, “Hey, lock me in the cell. Tell everyone to come and watch me try to get out.” He would get out. Everyone was like, “Ooh, ah.” He’s like, “Oh, and by the way, I have a show tonight.” And everyone would show up, right? So, he embraced marketing, and it made him the most famous magician of all time. So, we can learn from that. So, understanding marketing, and then leveraging all these online avenues that we have, it is easier than ever to reach our ideal patient base, right? And you can scale up very quickly if you do it the right way. So, most doctors say, “Hey, I need more high-quality patients.” You want more high-quality patients? Embrace marketing, and I can help you do that.
And then finally, step number four of this four simple four-step system is Q&E. Okay? Stands for qualify and enroll. Okay? We need to determine from the evaluation process whether they’re a good candidate for care. There’s no use asking for a $5,000 check if they’re not gonna get better with our protocol. And by the way, if you think 5,000 is a lot, that’s kind of the fair market value, right? So, some cities that may be $3,000, some…you know, if you’re in Beverly Hills, maybe it’s $7,000. You know, there’s that range $3,000 to $7,000.
Now, some companies are recommending you charge $8,000 to $10,000. I don’t like that. I just think it’s too much money. But five grand seems to be the sweet spot, right? And I can promise you, if this patient can’t sleep, can’t work, can’t play with their kids, their marriage is falling apart because this has been going on for so long. Do you know what it’s like to be in chronic pain? I fell off a zip line with my daughter about, what was that? Seven years ago. I was in chronic back pain for two years. It has a major effect, right? So, I’ve been there, done that.
Point being is these conditions have a massive effect on people’s lives, massive. And if you change that without drugs or surgery, man, you are a rockstar. And if you do that, if you deliver on your promise, they could care less about the five grand, right? And they’ll send friends and family all day long. So, qualify and enroll, we need to have the clinical chops to figure it out, right, to qualify them. Is this a good patient for my protocol? It’s not like, “Hey, I’ll just take…” Anyone that wants to commit? No, no, we have to qualify them. Are they a good candidate for a protocol? Do we feel confident that we can deliver significant clinical outcomes, right?
And then, finally, enroll those patients into care. So, by working on our communication skills in the report of findings to create clarity and confidence for the patient. So, clarity and confidence, that what you offer is, hands down, the best option for them to recover is absolutely crucial. Absolutely crucial. So, when you find a big problem, and you provide a unique and effective solution, that equals exponential growth and success. Okay? So, those are the four keys. Just revisit them, level up, right, actually become an expert, dial it in, get your protocol, model a proven protocol, Houdini method, embrace marketing essentially, and then Q&E, qualify and enroll patients. If you do those, you are golden. Absolutely golden.
So, what does life look like when you do this, when you implement these changes, when you add one of these niches onto your practice, and you get those steps down? Well, for one, you have more time. You have more time. Has it ever felt like you’re just going from adjustment to adjustment to adjustment to quick lunch to filling out, whatever, paychecks. And it’s like you’re just running, running, running, pulled in five different directions. When you do it this way, you have more time, right? Because your day, you have like two or three big consults, right? Maybe a decompression consult or a chronic knee, whatever, but you know each one of them are worth a significant amount of money, you know you need to put your game face on, you’re playing at a higher level. It’s more fun. I almost said funner. It’s more fun. Okay?
So, you focus on the big stuff. You have an associate ideally that’s gonna do the bulk of the adjusting. Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t adjust anymore. That’s not what I’m saying. You can always adjust those patients that have been coming to you for, you know, 15, 20 years, right? They love Dr. Smith. But by and large, we like to bring in an associate who’s gonna do the bulk of all the new chiro exams and adjusting. And you, obviously, make all that money, but you focus on the niches, right? And leveraging and optimizing that aspect of your practice, it’s very cool.
Also, you have more energy, right? Because you’re not adjusting 30 or 40 patients a day. So, you may be done with your consults by lunch, then, hey, take the afternoon off. What is it? YOLO, you only live once. I mean, let’s go, right? Go play a round of golf, treat your spouse to a lunch, go hit the gym, have a long weekend, go hunting. Whatever it is for you, it’s the freedom and the flexibility that this enables for you, that is so exciting. And then finally, wealth, more wealth, more money, more freedom, more ability to do the things that you wanna do. Each patient is going to be investing in you, again, somewhere in that $3,000 to $5,000 to $6,000 range. And you typically get paid upfront. Now, obviously, you need to handle the money the way it’s supposed to be handled, right, escrow accounts and all that. But you will be able to stack cash in a hurry. You’ll be able to bolster your nest egg, you’ll be able to expand your investments, you’ll be able to treat yourself, you’ll be able to live at a higher level.
Now, Dr. Simmons has a really interesting case study. I’m gonna go through here in just a minute. This was April of 2021. Let’s take a look at his path. So he, Dr Simmons, moved from Washington state to Bountiful, Utah, back to where he is from. He bought a practice in May of 2020, pandemic hitting. Revenue was at seven grand, seven grand a month. There was a table, there was a decompression table, there was a laser, obviously, chiropractic, no decompression experience whatsoever, right? He was buying it from his uncle. And his uncle got sick. And he had just joined and then he got sick. Thankfully, he’s recovered.
But point being is Casey’s like, “Hey, I like what Dr. Vince is talking about here. I wanna continue this relationship.” We focused on protocol, price point, marketing, and enrollment. Did that sound familiar? Just all that stuff that we just did. All right? Just talked about in the four-step system. By October of 2020, he’s at 25K, October, what is that? May, June, July, August, September, October, six months, six months. And he went from 7K to 25K. By the next year, 55K. October 20th, 2022, 76K. When you follow a system, that is what’s possible.
Now, this was on the registration page. If you recall, the number one reason why most doctors struggle with high ticket niches, it’s again, I hate to…I don’t wanna burst the bubble here. It’s not rocket science. It’s very simple. They try to figure it out on their own, they try to figure it out on their own. They struggle with choosing the ideal niche for themselves in their practice, which by the way, there is a method to do that correctly. They struggle with finding the best or the right equipment without pain in arm and a leg and still knowing that it’s gonna actually do what it’s supposed to do. They struggle with pricing their services properly…appropriately. Appropriately. Did I just make up a word? Appropriately. So, there’s a fair exchange of value. Usually, they undervalue their services. They struggle with marketing and getting high-quality patients that recognize that they offer something unique and different. And they struggle with enrolling patients into care at a high ticket price point.
Now, I understand that that statement is self-serving. In other words, they try to figure it out on their own. It doesn’t make it any less true. And all of this leads to the struggle bus, right? And what ends up happening is they throw up their hands, “This isn’t for me. Sell their equipment at loss.” Go back to the same old stuff. So don’t be that guy or gal. Now, I get…I talk to a lot of doctors on a regular basis. I love it. A lot of fun. Three questions that I hear a lot, and these may be on your mind. So that’s why I wanted to address them. And by the way, we are opening this thing up for Q&A in just a couple minutes. So, if you have questions, put them in the chat. And we’ll absolutely get to them. I’ll stay on as long as you guys want. Let’s not go crazy, but we do have to have lunch at some point. But point being, I will answer all your questions. But here’s some really common ones. Doesn’t it take a lot of time to add a niche? Well, will it take some time to become an expert? Of course, of course. Like anything worthwhile, it will take some time. But will it be overwhelming? Absolutely not. That’s why we have a system, right?
I understand you guys are busy, and gals, I understand you have a practice to run, a family to feed, and grow, and raise, right? I do, too. I didn’t design a system that was gonna overtake your life. No, I designed a system that you could implement into your life seamlessly and actually look forward to it. Most of my clients, you know, they carve out 20 minutes in the morning, it’s their time to change their practice, change their life, and they look forward to it, right? So, will it be overwhelming? Absolutely not. So, is there a way to expedite that process? Yeah, that’s what we do, right? We create results in record time, a lot of times in 30 days. But I always tell my clients 90 to wealth, “Follow my model for 90 days and you’ll have a new niche bolted onto your practice, pumping out cash on a monthly basis.” So, once that’s done, right, the niche is bolted on, you have all those four steps covered, right? Then it’s just scaling and optimizing, right? You may be hiring staff, you may refining schedule, you may…you know, scaling, optimizing, scaling, optimizing. But you gotta get the foundation first.
Next, is the marketing… What if I have a hard time enrolling patients? This is huge, big one. And it is absolutely valid. Okay? You must have confidence in yourself, your protocol, and the results that you can deliver. But when you follow those four steps that I just detailed, your confidence will be through the roof, right? And patients will, in turn, feel it. It’s just an energy thing. Patients will feel your confidence. But here’s a secret. You can’t do the same old ROF that you’ve been doing 20 years for your chiro patients. It’s just different, okay? It’s just different. You’ll hear things like, “Let me think about it, doc, let me talk to my spouse. I don’t know if I can do that. Boy, that’s a lot of money.” Instead of, “I gotta figure out how to make this work.” That’s what you want to hear.
So, there’s a very specific way to present our protocols and care plans. And we use what we call Alchemical ROF. And it just changes the game, like Dr. Fenger 18% to 61% in 30 days by just following our report of findings. They’re no longer stressed out about presenting high-ticket care plans because they have a system that creates clarity and confidence for the patient. And just in case you’re wondering, it is absolutely ethical and all based in educating the patient properly so they can make an informed decision, okay? We wanna lead with value, we wanna lead with respect. We wanna treat the patient like they’re our mother. We do not hard sell. We are doctors. We are going to educate about the difference between chiropractic and decompression, or traction and decompression, or surgery and decompression. Does that make sense? Because when patients come to the decision on their own, they are all in. They are ready to go. They will find the money, they will make the time. Okay? That’s the difference. That makes sense.
Isn’t the marketing expensive? Well, if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing, yeah, yeah, it is expensive because you’ll just trust all these companies on Facebook that are on a race to the bottom, “I’ll guarantee you 30 new patients or you don’t pay.” Guys, if you see that type of stuff, that is a red flag. What that means is there’s so much competition in the marketplace that they will basically promise whatever. And by the way, regulation is coming to this type of crap, that is terrible marketing. We don’t even advertise our agency on anywhere, right? We just have doctors just move into it. It’s either referral-based or doctors move in from the training program. We’ll get into the stuff in a second, right? But when you embrace marketing, like we talked about in step 3, then marketing dollars turn into an investment, right?
When you learn to plug in a $1,000 into the machine and you get $7,000 back, that’s called arbitrage. And then you’re like, “Well, how much money can I put into this thing and it still be profitable,” okay? Again, that’s where things start to get fun. So, it’s not expensive unless you don’t know what you’re doing. When you do know what you’re doing, it’s an investment and it will grow your practice rapidly. Here’s a few more tax, just closing that decon package yesterday. Second paid in full. Look at this from Dr. Kyle. Just finished June stats, biggest collection month, largest total visits for a month. And this week, largest weekly visit in 22 years, collection is at 96K. He officially doubled in two years. He wasn’t struggling. He was not struggling, guys, but he wanted to go big. Almost in tears. So, thank for you, God is good. Guys, this is what it’s all about, it’s about changing lives.
So, let me ask you a question. You’ve heard all these benefits of adding a high-ticket niche effectively. My question at this point is, would you like some help? So, instead of figuring it out on your own, wasting lots of time and money, would you like to follow a proven method? If so, SPC has two programs for two different types of doctors. So, hopefully, one of those will work for you. And do you remember this? This is what our average client is doing. Okay? So, let’s start with our flagship program. So, there was reason why I gave you that number. The Profit Niche Mastermind, this is our flagship program to help doctors add and grow a high-ticket niche. This is for doctors who either have no niche at all, or they kind of have a niche, like they have some equipment and they’ve been offering it, but it has not been successful, for whatever reason. Whether it’s clinical results, whether can’t enroll patients, can’t get the marketing right, whatever, this is for those types of doctors. Okay?
So, 12 months. So, it’s not a super long contract, but it’s long enough to make a significant change in your practice, in your life, okay? That’s why I made it at 12 months. Fast start consultation, you and me diving deep in your practice, going granular, figuring out where you’re at and where you wanna be in 12 months. Then I deliver a custom-made 90-day, what we call our 90 Days to Wealth Game Plan. It’s gonna be step by step, exactly how to build your niche. We have vast on Online Learning Library. It took six months to just record and create worksheets on each section of adding those niches, all going back to those four steps.
We have tremendous support for our doctors. We have two calls every single week, two live calls, one clinical, one practice building. Awesome. We always use education first, marketing, okay? So, that means we have the ads, we have scripts, we have videos, we have webinars, pre-consult videos, whatever you need to educate your patients and market internally or even use externally, you have it, private Facebook group that’s active with great doctors just like you. And you always have direct email access to me, that’s the Profit Niche Mastermind.
Next, Elite Advertising. This is for doctors who already have a niche. They can enroll patients, they can deliver great results. All they need is new patients. Okay? So, when I was broke and struggling, not at pretty time in my life. First things I did, I was like, you know, “I’d had it, right?” I didn’t know if the lights were gonna stay on another month. Wife and kid at home, not pretty. So, I went to half-price books. I bought every single book they had on marketing, right? I think it came to a total of about $37 because they’re all 2 bucks, right? So I had this many books, put them all in the cart, and went home and studied, just self-taught direct response marketing.
And it changed the game for me. So, our agency has been around since 2016. That’s the first thing I started helping doctors with. And this was back when Facebook ads actually worked really well. They still work, but it’s just more expensive. But we’ve been around since 2016. We managed about a $100,000 a month in advertising spend. So, way more than 95% of the agencies out there. And all we do is focus on these niches. All we do is focus on decompression, neuropathy, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis. That’s it.
And here’s the key difference between our agency. One, we’ve been around longer than most, and two, because, again, you’ll never see us advertise on Facebook, but I write all the ads, I studied copywriting, but most importantly, I sat knee to knee with hundreds if not thousands of patients over the years. I know what makes them tick. I know what keeps them up at night. And again, we lead with value. In our ads, it is not a, you know, bait and switch. It’s not a scare tactics, it’s education. So that they read it and they feel heard, like, “Oh my gosh, this guy knows what I’m going through.” Have you ever heard a neuropathy patient say they want to cut off their feet? I would never put that in an ad, but it would work really well. But I’ve heard these stories. I know, I know what these patients are going through. That’s why I write all the ads because I want it to come across as we are being empathetic to them, and we want to help, that moves the needle. That’s the difference between our agency and everyone else.
So, we create niche-specific campaigns for all major paid online platforms, Google, YouTube, obviously Facebook and Instagram, you know, TikTok, if you wanna do it. I’m not a huge fan of TikTok, but it works. Customized niche webinar for patient education. A custom niche report for you, creation and management of landing page and funnel to drive traffic, text and email follow-ups, one-on-one advice for overall clinic marketing strategy, consultation on TV, radio, newspaper. We use this platform called high level, it tracks ROI, all your leads, where they’re at in the pipeline, all that type of stuff, get monthly consulting calls with me. And you always have support via phone, text, or email. The Elite Advertising program, again, it’s for doctors. They already have the niche. They can enroll patients, at least at 50% and they can deliver great outcomes. It’s all you need is new patients. This is for you.
Okay? So, if you’re interested, what do you do? And we are wrapping up here in just a second. We’re gonna get to your questions, go to drvincecalendar.com and you’ll sign up for a free consultation. You find a time or then you fill out the survey and then you’ll be confirmed. Now, who is this for? You’re obviously already in practice, but you should be making like 15K, 20K a month. I mean, you have to have some money to invest. You are ready to take that next step in practice. It’s for doctors who are confident, right? They know they’re good at what they do, they just need that next step, right? They truly love helping others, and they understand they need to have skin in the game. Guys, there’s this thing with this skin-in-the-game thing. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, patients won’t invest in you. I didn’t make it up, it’s just reality.
Next, who is this not for? Doctors just starting out. Hey, get a successful chiropractic first. Build your chiropractic practice up to 20K a month, then add a niche. Who is this not for? Doctors who make excuses and complain, “I have no time in my life for that.” Doctors who are stuck in information-gathering mode versus action-taking mode. Hey, you’re either taking action or you’re not, right? So, this is for doctors who take action. Doctors who aren’t serious about adding 10K, 30K, or 50K a month. Don’t set up a consultation if you’re not serious. Guys, serious, I’d value my time a lot and I still do these consultations, okay? Because I care about you guys, or I care about the doctors that this is appropriate for. But I care about all doctors of chiropractic. I feel like it’s a tough industry to be in. This helps. So, how’s it work? We jump on a phone call, we figure out where you’re at now, where you wanna be in 12 months and I let you know whether I feel like it can help you get there.
So, I’m only looking for win-wins. I don’t wanna bring doctors into my program that are not gonna get good results. It’s just like you don’t wanna bring a patient into your protocol that’s not gonna get good results because everyone’s unhappy, right? So, I am looking for only win-wins. The better the fit, the better results that we will get. I can’t help everyone. So, for not a good fit, I will be honest with you and we will part as friends. If you schedule consultation in the next seven days, this is important. If you go to drvincecalendar.com, I’m opening up Friday and Monday, okay, so that you can get a consult in the next seven days. I don’t normally do that. I take Fridays… I don’t take them off, but that’s my work on the business days, Fridays and Mondays, those are my buffer days, which is what my coach calls them. But I’m opening them up this Friday and this Monday. If you schedule a consultation in the next seven days, special webinar limited bonuses.
Now if you decide to move forward on Profit Niche Mastermind, this is what you get, a customized, new patient webinar in your niche of choice, a customized webinar funnel for your niche of choice, and a Facebook traffic flood campaign driving traffic to that funnel. Total webinar bonuses $59.85. How cool is that? If you make a consultation in the next seven days and decide to go into it elite, your setup fee is waived. It takes us two to three weeks to write all the ads, build all the funnels, get everything onto the platforms, get everything approved by you, get images, get approvals, blah, blah, blah. That’s $2,000. We waived that, and you get a social media SEO and SEM audit, $495 value. So total webinar bonuses $24.95.
So, now I did not forget about you guys, the free guests, those guys that stayed just for the free gift. Congratulations. Send me an email at support@drvinceleone.com. Me or my team will send you those books. How cool is that? support@drvinceleone.com. So, here’s what you do now go to drvincecalender.com, we’re gonna get your questions in just one second. I just wanna show you what it’s gonna look like when you make the appointment. drvincecalender.com, it’s gonna look like that. We’ve all seen this these days, right? This is a scheduling app. I think this is once hub. Find a time that works for you and me, then fill out the survey. This is important guys. This lets me go into the consult without a blindfold on, I know roughly how much you’re making and what your target is and all this type of stuff. So, fill that out and then you’ll see this page, and it will mean that your consult is confirmed. So, Rick. Rick, are you there?
Rick: Dr. Leone, thank you. That was great stuff on starting and moving forward with the niche.
Dr. Leone: Thank you, sir. So, do you wanna get into some questions?
Rick: Yes. We’ve got five minutes for questions here before we wrap up, and got…a couple came in. The first one, “How do I decide which niche to start with?”
Dr. Leone: That’s a very good question. And it kind of depends on the type of practice that you have, right? Because if you have a young kind of fast-moving vibrant practice, for instance, neuropathy would not be a good niche for you, right? That’s an older patient. The average age of peripheral neuro patient is 62 years old. So, those younger practices, usually, like decompression or…sorry, knee pain are really good niches because it’s younger in their 40s, 50s, 60s. They wanna get back to doing what they love. And that’s how we take a look at it, right? We try to match the niche to the patient base but also the doctor, right? So, decompression, that’s pretty straightforward. Neuropathy, that’s complicated. So, if you really love complicated cases and you’re an older doctor and you have kind of an older patient base, neuropathy may be a good fit for you.
Rick: All right, thank you. And we have a question from Michael. “How much is the program and how much is the decompression table?”
Dr. Leone: So, I’m assuming he is talking about my program. So that is 18K a year. Two payment options. You can pay upfront, save $3,000, so it’s one-time payment of 15K or you can just pay 1$,500 a month. Decompression tables range anywhere from 12K up to 50K, right? So, there’s a huge range in there. Your accu spine, I think is 50K or 60K. Your KDT table is I think 12K. Hill makes a good table, I think for like 25K or 30K, something like that. So, it’s a big range. It depends on, you know, how much space you have in your office. You know, like that DRX 9,000, that’s what we had. That’s huge. It’s massive. So, you need a lot of space. The KDT table is about the size of an adjusting table. So, it’s more economical in that regard. So, hopefully, that helps that doctor.
Rick: Thank you. And another question along the same lines, in regard to equipment. “How do I know what equipment to buy?”
Dr. Leone: It’s gonna depend on the niche, right? So, when doctors come on board, if they don’t have a niche and they don’t have equipment yet, first, we gotta figure out, okay, which niche is the best one for you? And then, you know, based on our conversations about your practice, about your budget, about all that type of stuff, then I will… I am equipment agnostic, in other words, I don’t shill for any equipment company. They’re all out there to sell you guys. I mean, I’m just being honest with you. All they care about is selling tables, lasers, shockwaves, blah, blah, blah. Very few provide any type of support. I just try to steer you to the equipment that I know is effective at a good price point that fits your practice, and then we connect you.
Rick: All right, thank you. And we’ve got time for one more question. “How do I help my staff see the value in adding a niche and not getting any resistance?”
Dr. Leone: Yeah, that’s huge, right? Because a lot of doctors are concerned that the staff is not gonna be amenable to changes in the practice, right, or learning new things. Here’s what’s really cool for staff is, when you do this, you are gonna leverage staff systems and technology, right? So, when staff becomes essentially more important in the patient care process, you know, their skills elevate, their sense of pride, and whatever you wanna call that with doing their job elevates. I counsel that we want to bonus them, you know, performance-based, you know, in terms of what they’re actually doing. But our staff members, they were well paid. And patients absolutely loved them, right? Because they were the ones that were putting them on the table, or putting on the laser on them, or whatever it was, they saw them on the routine visits.
I saw them at the initial, the midterm exam, and the final exam. And then, you know, you see them in the office, “Hey buddy, blah, blah, blah.” But the staff plays a real massive role. So, the way you go around that is presented as an opportunity for them. “Hey, if you wanna grow with the company, if you wanna make more money and become more integral, this is how we do it, right? This is how we can grow the practice and this is how you can be a part of that growth and create more solidarity for you and your family, more money for your family.” That’s how I would approach it with staff.
Rick: All right, thank you. And at this time, we’d like to thank Dr. Leone and our sponsor, Specialized Practice Consulting, for today’s webinar. And thank you all for attending. Remember this webinar, including our speaker’s PowerPoint presentation has been recorded, and we’ll alert you via email when the webinar is available online. And we’ll include the special offers that were mentioned. Thank you again for attending and we look forward to seeing you next time. Have a great day, everyone.
Dr. Leone: Thank you, guys. Appreciate you coming.