As demand for the HCG Diet grows, so does the need for quality HCG Diet training, education and expertise. The company that developed the homeopathic HCG Diet product HCG MAX® now offers HCG Diet training and certification to meet this need. Available only to Health Care Professionals, HCG MAX Diet Plan now offers a complete turn-key licensed system designed to provide in-depth, comprehensive training about the HCG Diet protocol through a 6-module core training series. The development of this program now enables Health Care Professionals to have a thorough working knowledge of the history and use of hCG in weight loss before offering it to their HCG Diet patients.
HCG Diet Education and training is imperative in order for Doctors and other Health Care Professionals to facilitate their patients’ short-term and long-term success with the HCG Diet. Untrained and inadequately trained Professionals do not realize that, often times, the HCG Dieter’s results and effects of the HCG Diet protocol on the body, as well as product efficacy, can be greatly misstated and misunderstood.
Taught by formulator and educator Beth Golden, PhD, ND, the HCG MAX Diet Plan training now offers complete, clinically-based instruction from which to successfully coach HCG Diet patients and obtain a true understanding of the HCG Diet’s far-reaching potential. Beth’s working knowledge of, and education about, the HCG Diet is unmatched in the HCG Diet industry and far exceeds that of any other companies involved with the use of hCG for weight loss. Her trainings for Professionals also includes information about HCG Homeopathics, HCG drops and HCG injections and are essential in order to assure HCG Dieters’ success. Her simple premise is that, “Professionals must be well-trained and well-versed about the history of the HCG Diet, the claims of HCG Diet dangers and HCG Diet side effects, as well as the correct use of HCG drops and HCG injections in order to truly help their patients succeed.”
The next Certified HCG Weight Loss Coach Training will be held online October 22, 2011, with registration deadline of October 14th. For more information, visit or call (727) 399-0800.