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Daniel: Welcome to the Tuesday webinar series – Chiropractic Economics webinar for doctors of chiropractic. I’m Daniel Sosnoski, editor-in-chief of Chiropractic Economics. Today’s webinar, New Detoxification Technologies, is sponsored by HCF Seminars.
As always, our program is being recorded and will be archived at Chiropractic Economics’ website, for one year. Our experts are onboard here today to speak with you. When their presentation is complete, we will follow with a question and answer period. You can submit questions throughout the presentation by clicking on the appropriate icon on the right side of your screen. We will do our very best to get to all of your questions, but if we run out of time, we will forward the remaining questions to our experts and then notify you via email when the answers are posted on our website
Our presenters today are Dan Pompa, DC, and Nikolaos Tsirikos-Karapanos, PharmD, MD, PhD, who are here to help you understand the ways in which you can employ true cellular detox in your practice to remove nerve interference, get patients well and create a cash-based practice. Doctors Pompa and Nikolaos, thank you for taking the time to participate in our webinar and for sharing your experience with cellular detox and helping our audience understand how they can use it to support their own patient base.
Before we get started, Dr. Pompa, could you give us a brief background on yourself and your work with detoxification?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Dan, thank you. Thank you for having me, especially on this very important subject. As you said, I am a chiropractor, started my professional career as a chiropractor and then something miraculous or unmiraculous happened to me. I was forced into this world of, I want to call it “functional medicine” just because that’s the term that most people utilize or at least understand, but I hate the term for multiple reasons.
Yeah, I got very sick myself of an unexplainable illness and really chemical subluxation, as I like to call it, was the culprit. Here was somebody who was literally in the best shape of my life as an athlete, had a very large chiropractic practice. At one time I was seeing over 800 visits a week, so it was quite a large responsibility of patients, loved what I did, had two young babies at the time, married. Life was going pretty well.
Then the unexplainable happened. Fatigue hit me. Then it went to anxiety. Then it went to allergic to foods, [inaudible 00:02:52], debilitating anxiety, irritability, anger. I became somebody that I didn’t recognize anymore. Just a host of symptoms, obviously for the sake of time, but I don’t have to go through them all. But I became very, very, very ill and I was looking for answers to save my own life at this point.
Through that, I gained an experience in what I call or refer to as “true cellular detox” and “cellular healing” and this is now my passion of spreading this message to what I believe the world needs. We understand physical subluxation and its effect on the immune system and the intelligence that God gave every one of us. The chemical subluxation I believe we must address, and that’s the Health Center of the Future as our sponsor. So there’s a little bit on me.
Daniel: Very good. Thank you. That’s very helpful. Now please go ahead and begin the presentation.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, just hearing my story, I think, put this slide in context, how disease arises. I had written an article a year or so ago called “Autoimmune Answer”. Really, one of the things that I had determined is that most people really have autoimmune disease, at least people that don’t feel well and don’t know what’s going on. Unfortunately, the testing is in the Dark Ages and we just don’t have labels to put on oftentimes because we don’t have a test to say, “Oh, this is what autoimmune disease you have.” It really doesn’t need to be labeled. I’m sure testing is, in fact, getting better and better every year and we’re identifying more and more autoimmune diseases. It literally has become an explosion of an epidemic of why people aren’t well.
How disease arises, as you look at that, if we can just focus in there on the schematic as a whole, you see that on the stool there’s three legs. What the analogy of a three-legged stool? Well, three things have to be present for a cause of people getting sick. Yeah, this applies to autoimmune but I realized it really applies to most conditions, at least the reason why most people don’t feel well today. I’ll tell you, chiropractors, it’s definitely a reason why people end up in our office.
We have genetic expressions, so let me just focus in on that part for a moment. We have genetic expression. Certain genes we know get turned on. The old dogma used to be that, hey, if your mom had diabetes or a thyroid condition, basically you’re going to get it too. We know that’s not true. We know that people, we have susceptibilities. Of course there’s pure genetic conditions but that’s not the majority of conditions that we’re seeing today. Certain susceptibilities or genetics that we inherited from our parents get triggered, they get turned on.
Really, that brings me to the next leg, the stressors, because it’s either physical, chemical or emotional stressors that can turn on those genes. If you draw the stool out yourself, you can almost draw a line from the stressors to the genetic expressions. I want you to understand that there is a gap right now in the scientific world in the excitement that’s going on because of the human genome project and others that we know that these genes can be turned on, and toxins, typically, are the very things that turn them on, these bad genes that we don’t like. These symptoms that we’re expressing that we don’t like, they can be turned on. I think the gap is that we know that these genes can be turned off.
I remember this video that I watched from Duke University’s study and they took identical twin mice and they exposed one group to a toxin, BPA, which most of us are exposed to, and it turned on the Agouti gene, which meant their heir turned yellow. Sounds like a bad hair day and a thyroid condition possibly. They had some heart disease things that manifested, but they became obese. It didn’t matter what the mice ate. It didn’t matter how much they exercised. They turned the gene on and they became fat.
The worst part is their siblings inherited, basically doomed to become obese as teenage mice, with the gene already turned on. It didn’t matter what they ate. It didn’t how much they exercise. The genes that were exposed to the toxins were turned on and they were born, all of the sudden as teenagers they became obese. Sounds familiar to what’s happening today.
But here’s the best part of the study is that they gave them certain things that we know can turn off these genes, certain fats, certain methyl donors and they turned off the gene and they became thin again and so did their siblings. So there’s a gap right now in what’s happening in the treatment world and what’s happening in the scientific world with gene expression, but we know this. The three-legged stool analogy: all three legs have to be there. Yes, we have to downregulate this gene expression in today’s toxic world. It’s very important.
I teach something called my “Five Rs”, which are really a roadmap to how we fix a cell, how we can downregulate gene expression. It really kind of puts in right where it says “gene expression” you put my five Rs there. That really is a lot of that research on how we can change gene expression. Ultimately you’re never going to change it unless you get rid of the stressors. That’s today’s topic. That’s true cellular detox.
But before I get there, let me mention the third leg, the microbiome. A lot of research into this right now. We know that we aren’t just our cellular makeup. We share this body with 10 times as many microbes as cells in our body and we know now that these cells play a critical role in our immune system. I think the yogurt companies have made that more clear than we have as a medical profession, 70-80% of our immunity is from these microbes in our gut.
Let me just clarify. There’s certain microbes, like Bacteroides fragilis, for example, that we need to actually make certain immune cells like T regulatory cells that their job is to tell our immune system to back down. So when we don’t have enough of these bacteria and they start diminishing for toxic reasons or other reasons, maybe the overuse of antibiotics, we then start to produce less of these T regulatory cells because we don’t have as many microbes to produce them.
What does that mean? That means our immune system is functioning in hyper drive. We’re creating our own inflammation. This has become an epidemic within the epidemic. We know that leaky gut, with Dr. Seneff’s work out of MIT, all the glyphosate we’re exposed to, the toxins we’re exposed to, the heavy metals we’re exposed to are playing a role in causing leaky gut, which is playing a role in turning on bad genes. So again, you could draw a line from those microbes to the gene expression once again.
We know it’s a three-legged stool. This is how people are getting sick today, but this is also, folks, the answer to how we’re getting these people well. It really is an answer. You have to have all three of these components as an answer.
Let’s go to the next slide because if you follow these arrows down to what are these stressors, because that’s today’s topic. We’re pulling out this leg of the stool as our topic today. We have toxins, traumas, infections. Listen, stress is stress. The body doesn’t know the difference. It reacts the same.
But for our sake, for our patients’ sake, these stressors accumulate and I think the best example, docs, that we can give is draw a little bucket. Some people genetically have bigger buckets than others. I believe we have 70 trillion little buckets. Those are the cells in our body that can start to become affected and turn on these bad genes, as I explained.
These buckets eventually begin to overflow, and by the way, they start filling up in utero. As fetuses, we gain our mom’s lead. Mom has fillings in her mouth, according to the World Health Organization and many other studies, the amount of mercury in the baby’s brain before it leaves mom is proportional to how many silver fillings mom has in her mouth. So yes, mom’s mercury from her sources affects baby. Mom’s lead affects baby in utero.
Then we come out and then we start filling our bucket with more vaccinations and all of the toxins that we’re exposed to – neurotoxins in our food supply, I mentioned glyphosate, we could go on but we don’t have to. The point is that the bucket overflows.
These are the symptoms. Read through them. Do we see these in most of our patients, doc? Fatigue, brain fog, inability to handle stress, sleep, dizziness, weight loss resistance. “But, Doc, I eat better than anyone. I can’t lose weight.” Digesting problems in everyone, allergies, muscle pain, joint pain. The point is yes, physical subluxation, that interferes with the way that the body heals but in today’s day and age, physical subluxation is causing our buckets to overflow.
I was getting adjusted when I got sick. I was exercising obviously. I was eating a perfect organic diet. I had silver fillings in my mouth and when I got two of them removed it sent my bucket overflowing. This is what we see. Yes, I did all those things correctly but there’s a couple of stressors that I call the big boys – the heavy metals, the biotoxins, and there’s some categories here.
When you look at how people get sick and what fill their bucket to overflow, it typically is a perfect storm. Look to the right there where I have perfect storm. We have mercury as an example of a chemical stressor. We have the typical emotional stress that most people, I would say, are under. Then maybe we have a physical stress. Mine was my cycling. Honestly, it was my training I was doing in that case.
I don’t know if you remember in 2005 there was research showing that whiplash can cause fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I thought that’s funny because I had many people have those conditions that never had a whiplash, but yet it can be a player in this perfect storm, no doubt, and that’s what studies show. But I could change that. I could have two chemical stressors. Maybe someone has silver fillings in their mouth who lives in a moldy home and then their husband leaves them or their wife leaves them and they have an emotional stressor. We hear this story of, “All this started after this happened.”
Or maybe the pregnancy is the physical and emotional stressor and, “All this happened after my pregnancy.” I would say that pregnancy oftentimes even acts as a chemical stressor because women during pregnancy lose bone and lead is stored in the bones.
The point is this, we have these stressors that come together, typically three in nature, and it overflows the bucket and people end up with these lists of symptoms and not understanding why they don’t feel well anymore. This is the scenario that got me sick. This is the scenario that most people are facing today and have no idea.
When I do a history, and a very good one, I can always identify these stressors – subluxation, chemical and emotional stressors. Under the heavy metal category, if you look back to the left, we have amalgam fillings. That’s what did me in. I got two drilled out incorrectly and it vaporized more mercury that I’d been bioaccumulating my whole life from the time of my mother and my father slathering me with Merthiolate.
Oh, I wore contact lenses in the 80s, which was the number one adult mercury source. It contained mercury in the saline solutions, thimerosol. We have many people with crowns with mercury in them. That alone causes something called “galvanism” where we have different metals in the mouth, opposing metals that create a battery effect which causes mercury to pour out of other films. We have lead from birth. I had said that.
Then we have the biotoxins. Homes today are being built tighter with materials that if you expose them to water, they start forming mold. Drywall has paper on it which is the perfect food for mold. All you have to do is add water. Then we seal all these home very tightly, they don’t breathe. We have an epidemic of mold problems in this country. I see many people who do not get well because they are being exposed to mold that they don’t even know is there. They don’t see it, it’s there.
Lyme disease is another epidemic. Biotoxins produced by Lyme are typically a massive culprit. Now listen, I have to say this, there are places on the East Coast in this country that they estimate that 80-90% of the people have Lyme but yet why aren’t they sick? Well, they’re not sick because these pathogens like that can run opportunistic. When they have heavy metals and other stressors, now it becomes a problem. You see it’s the perfect storm.
Root canals, cavitations, [inaudible 00:16:45] infections, these things that you’re looking at in front of you are typically the things that shut down detox pathways, and this is happening in more and more people today. Once these detox pathways shut down, we start seeing a bioaccumulation in the cell and in the brain cells.
When I say that detox, as our topic today, has to be at the cellular level, this is what I mean. Look, I know there’s a lot in our profession. Detox is very, very popular. However, most of it is done wrong because they do not go upstream to the cell. I have nothing against colon cleanses. I have nothing against things like coffee enemas. But can they cleanse?
What I want to show is I go back to this roadmap of what true cellular detox is, and I’ll explain this in a moment. There’s three components to what I believe make up true detox, in this case what I call “true cellular detox”. If you look at where the gut is right down here, this is where a colon cleanse works. I think they’re great. I think they can open up this detox pathway. I think it’s very important. However, it’s downstream from up here to the cell or up here where the brain is.
I think that if we look at the liver and we look at different liver cleanses or 10-day cleanses, oftentimes they can affect the gut or the liver, but it’s still downstream from what is up here at the cell.
So if we look at the three components of what I call true cellular detox, I have mentioned already my five R’s as being a part of that one leg of the stool where I said genes are getting turned on and we have to turn off those genes. Do you recall that? The five R’s are really a roadmap to how to fix the cell. I’ll say this: you don’t get well until you fix the cell.
The first component, the first part of what real detox is is we have to upregulate cell function which has been affected, downregulated, because of the onslaught of toxins. My goal is not to teach you the five R’s today. I do that at seminars but my goal is for you to understand, and I’ll briefly look at them.
Number one, we do have to remove the sources. If you look back at those sources that I said are the big ones that are affecting people today – the heavy metals, the amalgams, the vaccines, we can look at all those, the glyphosates, the moldy homes – you have to remove the source. Number one is also removing the source from our body correctly and that’s today’s topic.
R2, regenerating the cell membrane is very, very important because things don’t go into the cell with an inflamed cell membrane. They don’t come out of the cell. The bad stuff doesn’t come out. The good stuff doesn’t go in. The membrane we know also plays a big role in turning off those bad genes. We know it has a role and an inflamed membrane can turn on bad genes.
Again, part of the epigenetic factor that we understand we turn on these bad genes and we need to turn them off. We have to regenerate the cell membrane to turn bad genes off.
R3, cellular energy, I’m doing a whole class on this in my up and coming seminar in Scottsdale, Arizona this month here in November. We know that cell energy plays a major role in cancer, in really all disease. When cell energy drops, inflammation rises. Cell energy drops but the cell starts to do other things to upregulate cell energy and oftentimes it’s the very things that drive cancer and other disease processes. It’s oftentimes, the cell energy, even though it’s R3, it’s oftentimes the very thing that we need to do first in patients just so the other things work like regular detox pathways.
Next, reducing the cellular inflammation is the obvious, as it is the number one cause of most diseases. We have strategies, even ancient healing strategies that I teach for that. But re-establishing methylation pathways, it runs parallel to glutathione pathways, how the cell detoxes. I don’t want to get caught up in the minutia there but the point is this: we have a roadmap that how we fix the cell function.
Dr. Nikolaos, who I’m going to introduce in a moment, will tell you this. Look, if a cell is working, a cell can detox itself, so shouldn’t that be what real detox is? We have to get the cell working so the cell can start detoxing itself and doing what it was designed to do. Remember, you don’t get well unless you fix the cell. You don’t detox unless you fix the cell, or at least help regulate these cell functions that we know are so dis-regulated in epidemic proportions in today’s environment. That is the roadmap and that is the first component of what real detox is. We have to get the cell working.
Okay, second is we have to open up and support detox pathways. Yes, that’s where I think a lot of popular things come in – the colon cleanse and some of the herbal cleanses that we do that can be helpful. Infrared saunas are great but it really is helping to bring up a detox pathway. Helps with the lymph and helps with the skin become a better pathway. Different products for kidney and liver are great but, again, it’s supportive into what we really need to do with the cell.
Okay, the third component, and that’s today’s topic. I’m going to bring on an expert here who knows more about a true binder than anybody. Listen, before I get there, one of my pet peeves is in the alternative world that we live in, I think that we have really bought into a lot of binders or detox agents, if you will, that really aren’t true binders. We all have heard about Chlorella, the metal magnet.
Years ago we tested it. We couldn’t even get it to bind, at least nothing strong enough. I’d love to talk about it. I just is something that kind of stirs the bees nest.
So here’s a better analogy, and I didn’t even know these things still existed but everyone’s telling me they do and I actually saw one. Remember the street cleaners? You see them on the street. It looks impressive but however all you see is this dust cloud around it and you see the cups and leaves that are being spit out the back, so you think to yourself, “Is this thing actually doing any good?” That, to me, is a lot of these weak, not true binders.
Whether it’s Chlorella, cilantro, they kind of go in, they bind a little bit, but they kind of stir it all up and we get more redistribution, potentially dangerous more than anything. Most of these type of herbal binders that people use and things that are in these 10-days cleanses, look, they’re ineffective at best, but they can be dangerous at worst.
The third component of what true cellular detox really is is utilizing what I call a true binder. Okay. There’s three phases to what I call true cellular detox and we’ll talk about that a little bit.
But with that said, I want to bring on this man. Dr. Nikolaos, you all can try to pronounce his last name yourselves if you want. I always mess it up, all this Greek spelling. He is from Greece so we make no apologies but he is a PharmD, MD, PhD, and I could tell you he is the President of Metron Nutraceuticals, the manufacturer of this true binder that I’m going to introduce you to called CytoDetox.
I’ll let Dr. Nikolaos introduce it to you but I have to say this about Dr. Nikolaos. He’s a true scientist. He’s won two of the most prestigious awards in cardiovascular surgery. The man is a brilliant scientist. Yes, he has his degrees in cardiovascular surgery and thoracic and cardiovascular surgery from Athens, Greece, board certified, I believe, in Athens, Greece, European board, cardiovascular surgery I think somewhere around 2005 or 2006 in Sweden. He had his fellowship at Mayo Clinic. He’s worked out of Cleveland Clinic.
With all that said, Dr. Nik, welcome to the call and educate us about what a true binder is and also really CytoDetox, which really has transformed our industry as far as binders go because Dr. Nikolaos, I always say that we haven’t really had a true binder introduced since the 1930s that actually works until now. With that said, welcome.
Dr. Nikolaos: Correct. Dr. Pompa, thank you very much for your warm words and I want to thank the organizers for this invitation and of course I want to thank each and every one of you for your time today. Again, thank you, Dan, for your warm words.
Yes, I was born in Athens, Greece. I studied at the School of Pharmacy five years, became fully trained, board-certified pharmacist. Then I finished the School of Medicine five more years becoming a fully trained, board-certified physician. These were followed by seven years of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery and my board certification both in Athens, Greece and in Europe.
Then I spent seven years studying mechanical circulatory supporting heart patients during my clinical and research practice, both in Athens, Greece and also in Rochester, Minnesota working for Mayo Clinic for five years. We won two prestigious international awards, work in coronary artery flow. In the transition between Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic I was offered an opportunity to work as chief scientist and medical director in the Nutraceutical company.
Then [inaudible 00:27:19] the Cleveland Clinic I started the Nutraceutical business and I will explain to you why. I think the fact is most of my practice is bypass surgery, which is the act of trying to correct the coronary flow in a patient because if not corrected, this causes mortality, so people will lose their life. Since my study years in the School of Pharmacy, I was wondering how we could reverse this process. Saving a life in the operating room is great, but if you can do something to prevent hundreds of thousands or millions of people to actually go in the operating room to save their lives, that would be remarkably significant. I realized that this is a powerful tool if we could somehow augment what nature created.
Dr. Pompa: Dr. Nikolaos, before I flip to the next slide, and I will here in a moment, I have to tell this very brief story. The FDA was coming down more and more on some of these true binders like the MDSA that we were using and most people misuse a lot of these true binders and use them within their half-life. But they were making it more and more difficult to get these true binders and I was at a very frustrated point and I was praying for answers, honestly.
In my frustration, my wife reminded me, “You’ve got to pray about it more.” It really wasn’t until she reminded me that I really started praying, honestly. One of our colleagues that you know actually reached out to me and said, “You have to look at this new particle.” He got through my wife to me, and normally those calls don’t through to me because thousands of products every year get introduced to me and most of them I’m not a believer in.
He said it was zeolite and my hopes were dashed because years ago, as they brought this to me as a true binder, we tested it and we really couldn’t get it to bind anything. In the gut it seemed to do pretty good and I gave it back. I gave it even a higher thumbs up than I gave Chlorella but beyond the gut I didn’t see much hope. Really, he said, “No, you have to talk to Dr. Nikolaos because he hydrolyzed this particle and now it not only crosses the gut, Dr. Pompa, it crosses into the cell and even into the brain.”
It wasn’t until I spoke to you personally that I believed it. I am a believer. I was not a believer. I was not a fan, and still not, of any other zeolite products outside of the gut as a true binder because it really never left the gut. That enters you, Dr. Nikolaos, so I’m going to go to that. First of all, explain to them what is zeolite because many people don’t know what we’re even talking about and why zeolite is a strong bond, but getting it across the gut is a different story. So go ahead and educate them.
Dr. Nikolaos: Dr. Dan, thank you very much for setting the real story. That’s exactly how we met. Let’s start with what zeolite is. The word “zeolite” comes from the Greek language and is two words: “zeo” and “lite”. “Zeo” means boil and “lite” is the stone. So we could translate this to Greek like the boiling stone.
Why the boiling stone? Zeolites were formed millions of years ago when volcano lava hit the ocean water. So minerals like stones were formed where water was entrapped within them. Now, if someone gets one of these mineral stones, zeolite, and warms the stone, you’re going to see water evaporating within the stone. So a zeolite is a boiling stone is a stone that evaporates water when you heat it.
There are several types of zeolites. The ones that we are talking today is clinoptilolite and the chemical name of this one is sodium aluminosilicate. Now, next slide, please.
What makes important the zeolites and specifically clinoptilolite is their natural property to attract and retain heavy metals and other [inaudible 00:32:05], toxins, and this is because they have a three-dimensional configuration which is like a honeycomb configuration where there are several pores in the surface of this mineral. So that’s why heavy metals are attracted and can be entrapped in the zeolite.
Dr. Pompa: If I could just say one word about that. For example, people, if you took a Chlorella or an herbal binder in solution, you could literally put a stirrer in it and shake off the heavy metals. This stuff gets in this zeolite and literally you need an acid to break off the heavy metal. Am I correct on that, Dr. Nikolaos?
Dr. Nikolaos: Yes, you are correct. First of all, let’s clarify something. Let’s say the name of this clinoptilolite. It is sodium aluminosilicate. You know, Dr. Dan, one of the misconceptions that raises questions here and there is that do zeolites release heavy metals. All right, let’s clarify this.
Aluminum is a structural component for the zeolite. In order to get aluminum out of the zeolite, you need to break the zeolite crystal, most likely with a strong acid and high temperature, far higher than the human body temperature, and then, yes, you will dissolve the crystal and then you will release the aluminum out of the zeolite. In regular room temperature and in regular human body temperature, zeolites do not dissolve. They do not release [inaudible 00:33:54].
Let me go a little further and explain how zeolites were used for the last, let’s say, 20, 30 years for [inaudible 00:34:07]. But before we go there, we know that zeolites were used for the last 60, 70 years in various [inaudible 00:34:15] applications. For instance, the gas that we fill in our car passes through a zeolite filter because that’s the way to take lead out of the gas. Also many refrigerators use zeolites in their supply of water through, so to remove heavy metals and other toxins that tap water may have.
Now, people thought around 15-20 years ago why don’t we use a zeolite for human consumption so this zeolite will get in the human body and then attract and retain heavy metals and other toxins. Various zeolite products were made, like powder zeolites or liquid zeolite formulations with the scope to be used to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the human body.
The problem with the zeolites, and if you can go, please, to the next slide, “Why is your zeolite different?”
Dr. Pompa: By the way, that’s true. Let me switch over. I always knew, hey, zeolite is a true binder. But the problem was getting it beyond the gut.
Dr. Nikolaos: Right. The problem is that the zeolite crystal is not water soluble. In fact, it’s not absorbable by the human gut. So all the liquid zeolite products out there were water suspension where whatever kind of zeolite, and I will explain that, was suspended in water.
Now, various qualities could be found out in the market, like depending on the zeolite that was used, the best quality zeolite that one could use in order to create a suspension was a micronized zeolite where the suspended particles of the zeolite were really, really small particles. Still, this could create a suspension and a suspension cannot be transformed by itself in a solution. That means all zeolite suspensions have as a common denominator the fact that they cannot be absorbed from the human body. Of course some of these good formulations will be active in the GI system, will attract, retain heavy metals and other positively or negatively charged toxins. Then will be out of the body after a couple of bowel movements.
What we did here at Metron Nutraceuticals is that we transformed these non-water-soluble and non-absorbable zeolite to a water solution of water-soluble and absorbable zeolite fragments. In order to do so, we applied our [inaudible 00:37:19] technology and we broke the huge crystal of zeolite into tiny zeolite fragments. We can go, please, to the next slide.
Dr. Pompa: Real fast, Dr. Nikolaos, the ones that we had tested years ago were water. Now, with that said, if they were sat on your shelf long enough you would see a settlement, hence suspension. But those products too claimed that they cracked the crystal small enough down to nanometers, hence the product’s name “nano” this, “nano” that and a zeolite. And therefore it was small enough to cross the gut. I believe some made claims about them getting into a cell.
With that said, how does this differ from that?
Dr. Nikolaos: Well, as we all know in this room, marketing can create huge success in several products, but marketing, I assume we all understand that marketing can not alter the laws of physics and chemistry. No matter how much you grind down and you make a micronized powder, still a suspension will be created or a solution will be created, depends only on the chemical and physical properties of the material.
So all these nanozeolites, microzeolites, whatever, very small zeolite products out there, still are water suspensions, cannot be absorbed by the human body. They can act in the GI system but not systematically. The hydrolyzed clinoptilolite fragments, though, can be absorbed and the mechanism of absorption has nothing to do with the size only of the particle. A human cell doesn’t work with that one dimension so these nanometers range are good to be absorbed. No. It does not work like that.
Human cells work with molecular weight and [inaudible 00:39:43]. We broke the zeolite crystal and we confirmed with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry that our hydrolyzed clinoptilolite fragments have a molecular weight range from 218 daltons up to 620 daltons.
Dr. Pompa: By the way, I have to say that a molecule like glutathione, I think, is 308, meaning that glutathione can pass in cells. So we have to look for daltons because a lot of these companies, it is nanometers or others that’s indicating size and dalton’s indicates molecular weight. Is that correct?
Dr. Nikolaos: A very, very nice test to do is ask them, “How many daltons is your product?” They will not be able to reply with nanometers, which is a totally different property.
First a short comment, I think that HCFs, our hydrolyzed clinoptilite fragments, is the first product at the global level that has been tested with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry and we know now exactly what the fingerprint of this product is. This was a huge step.
Of course we did not stop there. The next test that we did was an X-ray diffraction analysis, which is the appropriate test when we test crystalline products. So we could see how it looked in the X-ray diffraction, the clean material, we’d see the zeolite [inaudible 00:41:36] light, compared to our product and it was confirmed that our product was consistent with fragments of the initial crystal. This was a major step in serious research and development of this product and of course the technology is protected with two international PCTs plus one USPTO utility patent application. So this is a proprietary technology of Metron Nutraceuticals.
By the way, Metron Neutraceuticals is a current CG&P FDA company and our company is a really good platform of [inaudible 00:42:25] and research, development and manufacturing of high end new nutraceutical products. We are not interested in let’s mix this vitamin with the other vitamin, maybe one more amino acid in place, a fancy label and sell the product in the market. My background and our company’s people’s background are totally different from what you can see out there in the market.
Turns up with the third test that you see on your screen, the ICPMS. Coming from the world of medicine and as I was a practicing physician for many years, you can imagine that my first priority is to make sure that we do not violate the first Hippocratic principle, which is first, do no harm. In order to address the issue of free heavy metals in our product, we needed to make sure that we don’t create any problem to the users of this product. We don’t poison the users.
Now, the way to do this is plan the appropriate, and please, let’s go to the next slide where the ICPMS [inaudible 00:43:47].
Dr. Pompa: Nikolaos, I would like to say this. Right now there’s a very popular Internet gentleman in the natural health field who’s been talking about how toxic zeolites can be and it can cause re-tox and add toxins and oftentimes they measure what’s coming out in the urine because that was actually coming off of the zeolite. So many people on the call may have that concern. We had that concern. I sure had that concern. But this test, you have to explain to them what you did different, and obviously this test proves that product [inaudible 00:44:23].
Dr. Nikolaos: Dr. Dan, as you know, I was the first one who had this concern because we modified the crystal, we broke the crystal of the zeolite so it was my major concern and it was a major issue to solve to make sure that we not release any free heavy metals by breaking the crystal. The only way to find out is to test with the appropriate FDA USP methodology and that’s exactly what we did. We applied the USP 232 and the USP 233.
So here is the result of this ICPMS of the hydrolyzed clinoptilite fragments for the [inaudible 00:45:13]. This ends all discussions because it’s not any qualitative interpretation of the results. The results are results. I go directly to aluminum.
I am aware of this Internet interview that aired recently. Of course I don’t know this gentleman who is involved in this research. Honestly, I commend him for his awareness. He brought a good thing out to the public, the concerns, and I think he did the right thing and asked the right question, like [inaudible 00:45:58] is it safe? I think he needs to be commended for his efforts and I think that all the nutraceutical companies that provide you with [inaudible 00:46:11] for human consumption should provide their scientific evidence and proof of the safety of their products.
So I go directly for the CytoDetox permit, I go directly in the least of results and specifically for the aluminum, so the target limit in ppms as set by the FDA and USP was 10 and CytoDetox, 0. Zero, it’s zero. It doesn’t need any further interpretation. So you see that there in the results.
So the safety of the product as far as existence of heavy metals is concerned, I think it has been already answered and I don’t have to add anything to this. [Inaudible 00:47:08] we have a very powerful tool in our hands and a tool that will do whatever it is supposed to do, which is to attract and retain heavy metals and other positively or negatively charged [inaudible 00:47:27] through all the human body.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, it does. It goes beyond heavy metals. That’s the neat thing about a true binder like this one is that it really pulls more than heavy metals. It pulls many of the toxins that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. Dr. Nikolaos, just give me a moment. I know that many people may have questions so I want to get to the questions. Let me just finish off what I wanted to make the point here, and then let’s open it up for questions.
In what I call true cellular detox, just in review there, look at the three components. We have to upregular cell function as component number one. Nikolaos, when the cells can work, the cell detoxes itself, doesn’t it?
Dr. Nikolaos: Our human body can treat itself if we allow our human body to function appropriately. So a very good approach is to help the human body to work by itself and that’s why.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt about it. I’ve just been, for the last two weeks, preparing for my seminar, reading about how upregulating cellular energy and fixing the cell membranes, the inner and outer membranes is a critical part of detoxification and what real detox is. Yet we hear very little about it.
Then of course opening up the pathways downstream, once we start moving things from the cell in the body, we want to keep these pathways open. We do. We have multiple strategies for that that we teach. But here we are using true binders like the CytoDetox that really, really does bind and hold on, not just the street cleaner.
But there’s three phases and very briefly I think, again, so much of what is in the natural world on detoxification violates something so simple, Dr. Nikolaos, as concentration gradient. Toxins will move, whether it’s heavy metals or other toxins, from high concentrations to lower concentrations. The first phase is we want to prepare the body at the cellular level and downstream, we do a prep phase. We get the body ready before we jump into detox.
Then the body phase, really the body phase is our goal is to just clear out the simple stuff, the extra cellular, go very shallow if you will, not purposely diving in deep with the deeper tissue. We do that for a period of time to set up concentration gradients so when we dive into what I call the brain phase, and really, it’s just about going deeper, into the deeper tissue. Again, that is what I call the brain phase.
So three phases for a reason. We’re preparing the body. We’re setting up concentration gradient, and then we’re going deep. There’s an example protocol of that because people will say, “How do I use this? How do I cycle it? How do I dose it?” There’s an example. We’re always evolving these protocols but at least it’s an example.
Going to the HYPERLINK “”, you can get that example protocol and how we use it on a seven-day on, seven-day off cycle, sometimes even a 10-day on, 7 or 10-day off cycles. So there’s multiple ways to cycle it. There’s multiple ways to use it, dose it. So I hope that helps you all because that’s oftentimes the question is how are these doctors utilizing this product. So there’s that answer.
Obviously we’re going to get the question of, “How do I get it? Is this a practitioner-only product?” That means it’s sold through practitioners to order. You definitely have to provide your license and there’s a deal there in honor of our sponsor, 15% off your first order if you use the Chiroeco code. Very simple there.
Go to HYPERLINK “” and that’s what it will look like when you get there. Just click on order and it’s that simple, but use the cyber e-code to get the 15% off. I hope that helps and we want to honor them for doing that, so thank you.
But I promised, let’s get to the questions and answers while we have some time left. So can we open that up?
Daniel: Yes, thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thank you, Dr. Nikolaos. This has been extremely informative. We have been collecting some questions from the audience and we have enough time to get to a couple of them quickly.
The first question I’m going to ask you is a bit long but it’s an extremely good question. Give this a listen and let us know your thoughts on this registrant’s question. She says, “My understanding for zeolite detoxification is that zeolite has a natural negative charge to attract positively charged ions, including heavy metals such as mercury and lead. As such, I believe in the meantime that HCF absorbs heavy metals, it will absorb other essential mineral acids too, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium. In other words, zeolite does not have the selective ability among metals including heavy metals and essential metals. As a result, it should not be continuously used, as we need time for the essential minerals to return back to normal levels in the body by taking supplements. Is this correct?”
Dr. Pompa: Well, let me handle it and then I’ll turn it over to Nik. That’s one of the reasons why we cycle it. We always utilize . . . listen, any time you’re pulling toxins out of the body, especially heavy metals, you create something like mineral gaps and we always want to replace those mineral gaps with minerals. So part of the off-cycle, as you’ll see in that protocol when you download it, you will see that minerals are a part of utilizing that on the off-cycles.
Yes, you’re right, we want to cycle. We want to go move in and out so we give the body’s detox pathways time to rest so we can re-mineralize. In the rest cycle we also set up concentration gradient to allow toxins time to move from higher concentration to lower. Yeah, that’s why we use cycles.
But, Dr. Nik, take it from the other part of the question where she asked about how it binds.
Dr. Nikolaos: Sure. Let me go a little deeper in the chemistry here. The mechanism of [inaudible 00:54:14], and in fact does not work like that. There is another process that is in place, which is the [inaudible 00:54:24] exchange capacity. It was confirmed by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry that in hydrolyzed clinoptilite and the like fragments, there is a presence of at least one sodium atom there which is positively charged.
It is this sodium with hydrogen ionic exchange that facilitates the exchange between the cation that’s within the zeolite with positively charged heavy metal. So the process is called cationic exchange capacity.
Let me address the issue that was very nicely brought up with the person who asked this very interesting question, very good question. We never, ever have known that there is a hypocalcaemia or a hypokalemia associated with the consumption of hydrolyzed clinoptilite fragments. So your hydrolyzed clinioptilite fragments don’t work like just being downstream and wherever they see magnesium, attract it.
No, it’s far more complex than that. It will take us a long time to analyze the mechanism of attraction and why we don’t see reduction in concentration of calcium or potassium or magnesium in the human body, but we don’t. This is not happening, so the users of the hydrolyzed clinoptilite fragments are in no danger of having hypokalemia and the associated heart arrhythmias or hypocalcaemia its the associated heart arrhythmias. It doesn’t work like that.
Dr. Pompa: So what Dr. Nikolaos is saying is it’s not pulling minerals from the body. The way I described it is any time we move heavy metals from the body, we can create mineral gaps. Therefore we do want to use minerals and we’ll pull the heavy metals from the mineral gaps. As Dr. Nikolaos is stating, we’re not extracting minerals from the body with the clinoptilite .
Daniel: Very good. For people who would like to learn more about zeolite and treatment protocols and clinical outcomes, are there going to be any scheduled training events, any seminars that you’re going to be holding coming up?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we have the one in Scottsdale coming up here in this month. If you can go to, there’s the HCF Seminar I just pulled out, but the seminar schedule . . .