December 4,2018—According to the popular syndicated television show The Doctors, custom orthotics are a “BUZZ!” In a segment on products that ease back pain, their message was clear, if you’re looking to address the cause of back pain, don’t waste your time and money on off-the-shelf shoe inserts – custom orthotics are far superior.
Foot Levelers custom orthotics are heavily featured during the segment. Dr. Fab Mancini, America’s #1 Healthy Living Media Expert, shows The Doctors a Foot Levelers Stabilizing Orthotic and explains why custom orthotics are far superior in helping reduce back pain, as compared to off-the-shelf inserts.
Dr. Mancini references a study that proves custom orthotics help reduce back pain by “over 30 percent.” In 2017, a randomized control trial was published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation that proves Foot Levelers custom-made orthotics reduce low back pain by 34.5 percent.
Custom-made orthotics from Foot Levelers are unique in that the patented design supports all 3 arches of the foot, which maximizes pain reduction and increases comfort levels unlike any other custom orthotic.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missing work and is the #1 cause of work-related disability in people under 45 in the U.S.
While they may be ‘comfortable,’ off-the-shelf inserts do little to address the underlying biomechanical causes of back pain. They are also often costly, having to be replaced in as little as 3 months. Foot Levelers orthotics have a 1-year guarantee and last for years.
To find a healthcare provider near you that can fit you for a pair of Foot Levelers custom orthotics, visit
To read more about Dr. Fab’s appearance, click here.
Source: Foot Levelers