
Since 1931, hundreds of new DCs come to Florida every year and build the largest active chiropractic state association in the U.S. Every year, they add new accomplishments to improve access to chiropractic services by Floridians.
The Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) advocates the position that chiropractic is a distinct and separate healing science.
Chiropractic is the science of the adjustment, manipulation and treatment of the human body in where vertebral subluxations are adjusted, manipulated or treated, thus improving neurological integrity and biomechanical physiology.
The Florida Chiropractic Association supports the authority of the individual practitioner to examine, analyze and or diagnose the human living body and its diseases by any method taught by an accredited chiropractic college and use any other method of examination or therapeutics taught by any accredited chiropractic college for which the practitioner holds Florida Department of Health licensure/certification.
Founded: 1931
Physical Address: 30 Remington Rd. Suite One Oakland, FL 34787
Website: fcachiro.org
Contact email: admin@fcachiro.org
Association President: Michael N. Baum, DC
Special Events/Yearly Shows: The National by FCA