Google states that any list of Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ can be used on any of your pages to boost your elite SEO efforts
The last few years have changed the face of nearly every business, and many patients have turned to researching — and ultimately choosing — chiropractic care on the internet. As a result, it is important that your website is optimizing elite SEO content to open the door of your business to new clients.
Not sure how to go about it? Here are some tips to increase traffic:
Be the source for answers
According to content marketing firm Intergrowth, more than half of virtual interactivity starts with a search.
How often have you gone to Google with a question? Tons of times. So, your goal is to have your content stand out to patients by appearing on the first page, ideally, in the Google answer box. Think of the “journalistic six” when creating or finding elite SEO questions — who, what, when, where, why, and how — and create content that can satisfy a searcher as well as move your listing to the top spot on Google.
One example of an SEO term or question could be “Chiropractor near me” or “Chiropractor in [insert your city].”
Use the right headings and formatting
Use only one main title on the each page—this is known as “H1.” Be sure include your keyword in the H1 heading, as well as in the URL for the page, if you can do this (or have your webmaster do it for you).
Traditionally, your title can be the H1 header, but it doesn’t have to be: if you have content that you want to highlight and place the H1 heading somewhere else in the text, the search engine bots will still grab it and use the information. Your title can be up to 70 characters, and should be unique to that page. Don’t crowd this heading with keywords, though; it should make sense to your audience. Your main subhead will be in the H2 format, and subsequent subheads throughout the article in the H3 format.
Fill out the meta description
You don’t have to write a meta description, but they help the search engines find out about your page. If you do not fill it out, Google will do it for you.
Google Search Central states that page-level meta tags “are a great way for website owners to provide search engines with information about their sites.” Meta-tags can help increase traffic as a result.
Bullets and lists are your friends
People like to search quickly and with consistent results, and it’s important to offer organized content on pages that your patients can easily navigate. A bulleted list allows them to see their answers and continue — and you want them to easily find the answers they seek.
Also Google and other search engines look favorably on bullets and number lists that break up your content in paragraph form.
Target your audience
If you use too broad a keyword phrase such as “chiropractic doctor,” you will find yourself in a sea of competition. Create a keyword that brings your true audience into focus.
For example, if your practice is in Miami, Fla., include the location in your SEO to increase business potential.
Use a how-to or FAQ schema
How-to schemas answers questions that your patients may have and also alerts Google to the presence of a list. Google states that any list of Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ can be used on any of your pages to boost your elite SEO efforts – not just your “About Us” page.
Using these tips can help put you ahead of the competition and get the eyes of potential patients on your pages first. For more info perform some basic SEO searches on google such as “SEO for beginners.”