“¢ It introduces you to the doctor and lets him/her know why you are sending the resume. If you send out just a resume with no cover letter, the doctor doesn’t know who you are or why you are writing.
“¢ It provides you with an opportunity to tell more about your personal characteristics and your situation than a resume can.
“¢ It gives you a way to tell the reader of your interest in the position.
“¢ It lets you end with a “call to action” (a way to get the reader to respond positively).
“¢ Start with strong action words. Avoid forms of “to be” like “I am;” instead use words like “energy,” “strength,” For example, instead of saying, “I am a caring doctor,” say “I care for my patients.”
“¢ Use highlights in bullet points to set out your most interesting qualifications. You must set yourself apart from other new doctors, so include experience and training to make your reader want to find out more in your resume.
“¢ Use the closing paragraph as an opportunity to ask the doctor to follow up. State that you will call in a few weeks if you don’t hear from the doctor, then do contact him or her.