June 1, 2010 — Last week, ACA reported that Congress was considering a proposal to stop any decreases in Medicare reimbursement through 2013.
The Congressional Budget Office reviewed that proposal and reported that it would cost $64.6 billion dollars to implement. Due to strong concerns over cost, attempts have been made to scale down the proposal and reduce the fiscal impact.
This week, members of Congress considered delaying Medicare fee cuts until the end of 2011, but at press time it was uncertain whether this bill would get the votes needed to pass. ACA will make an immediate announcement to members when final congressional action is taken on this important issue.
Providers should also be aware of changes in Medicare fee schedules pursuant to the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That legislation extended the 1.0 work geographic practice cost index (GPCI) floor that expired on Dec. 31, 2009 and raised practice expense GPCIs in low-cost areas.
These mandated changes have resulted in positive increases in some areas of the country. Medicare carriers should be releasing updated fee schedules reflecting these changes. For information on Medicare, please visit www.acatoday.org/medicare.
Source: American Chiropractic Association, www.acatoday.org