June 12, 2008 — A new law signed by Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Jr. will require all health-insurance carriers in the state to issue a standardized, printed identification card containing plan information to every covered individual.
Under SB 08-135, the standardized card will have the covered person’s name and plan number, co-payment and deductible amounts for the most commonly used healthcare services, contact information for the carrier or health-benefit plan administrator, and an indication of whether the health-benefit plan is regulated by the state.
The cards, at this time, do not have to bear a magnetic stripe. However, the new law mandates that a work group be convened to study and make recommendations on electronic data exchange through electronic swipe cards. The work group is to provide recommendations within two years.
Insurance carriers are to issue the new standardized cards beginning July 1, 2009, and all covered persons are to have a new standardized card by July 1, 2010.
Source: Colorado General Assembly, www.leg.state.co.us, SB 08-135