November 9, 2010 — ChiroTouch recently launched a powerful EHR stimulus calculator on its website to help chiropractors estimate potential ARRA incentives.
“The stimulus package represents an incredible, unprecedented opportunity for chiropractors,” said Robert Moberg, president of ChiroTouch. “And so, in addition to our monthly webinar series that keeps the chiropractic community abreast of the constant flow of new information, we developed a tool that bridges the gap between questions and the curiosity doctors may have—and the actual potential incentive that would result from their participation.”
The ChiroTouch EHR Stimulus Calcluator:
– Estimates potential ARRA incentive
– Is simple and intuitive
– Provides results in seconds
– Allows estimation for multiple providers in one office
– Graphs total stimulus available by year
– Shows totals per provider, or for entire practice
– Is continually updated to reflect changes as they are announced
Chiropractic software designed from the ground up to maximize efficiencies for virtually every process, including patient self check-in, scheduling, SOAP notes, billing, interoffice communication and more; ChiroTouch has developed its HIPAA-compliant system to drastically reduce the time it takes to perform tasks that chiropractors are already doing.
That gives chiropractors more time to see more patients — resulting in increased referrals, improved efficiencies, and a direct, measurable impact on practice profitability.
“We’ve invested considerable time, effort, and research to make this a truly powerful resource,” added Robert. “It was specifically designed for chiropractors, and is the only calculator in the market that focuses on both the positive aspects of the stimulus that will bring benefit to the doctor, as well as the looming penalties for those that fail to adopt a certified EHR system. It’s also unique in that the EHR stimulus calculator allows doctors to select a planned year of adoption to estimate how it will affect their bottom line.”
To learn more, visit
Source: ChiroTouch,