By Brandi Schlossberg
When it comes to selecting a chiropractic table, use your time wisely. It’s probably easy enough to buy just any item from a vendor. Find the right fit, perform a bit of research, and make your time and effort count. As Thomas Edison once said “being busy does not always mean real work and seeming to do, is not doing.”
Think modality
First, determine which chiropractic table is the best fit. A little consideration before you buy will go a long way to enhancing a chosen modality. Think about your specific needs as a chiropractor. Consider how certain tables would help or hurt you in this regard. The best possible chiropractic table may be the one that allows you, as a professional chiropractor, to serve your clients in the most optimal manner.
Certain techniques may require concrete guidelines when pairing chiropractic tables with corresponding modalities. Gonstead practioners, for example, may need to have certain kinds of tables (or even more than one) to perform a full range of techniques in contrast to other practitioners who may not. Hi-Lo and knee chest tables allow for posterior to anterior subluxation corrections and also enable chiropractors to care for the entire spine and to properly position the posterior displaced intervertebral disc. A more rudimentary decompression table may not allow for multiple features comparable to more complex devices.
Peripheral chiropractic therapies or treatments may influence your decision. For example, you may wish to purchase a chiropractic table designed to facilitate lumbar and cervical traction, passive range of motion and even automated massage. Integrating features could enhance your practice greatly. Practitioners who perform soft tissue mobilization, direct or indirect myofacial release, and even laser lipolysis should consider how particular dynamics of their own treatment room affect them.
It doesn’t matter whether you are part of a large or small practice; modality is an important when selecting a chiropractic table. Consider: how’s your table working for you?