March 2, 2009 — As part of its ongoing effort to inform students about the benefits of a career in chiropractic, Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City (CCCKC) is participating in a job-shadowing program with the Blue Valley School District in Johnson County, Kan. Part of the district’s “Exploring Health Careers” classes at its four high schools, the program provides students access to a wide range of health care environments, including hospitals, dentist and veterinarian offices and, since fall 2008, chiropractic.
While on the CCCKC campus the high school juniors and seniors are exposed to variety of activities, observing in classrooms, laboratories and the Health Center.
“The program allows students to learn about opportunities in chiropractic when they’re making important decisions about their future academic and professional goals,” Anthony said. “We hope that more students begin to think of a career in chiropractic earlier in their academic planning.”
Source: Cleveland Chiropractic College,