Book Review by Stanford Erickson
Editorial Director
Chiropractic Economics Magazine
The Well-Adjusted Soul: Feel-Good Stories from the Heart of Chiropractic
Co-Authors: Fabrizio Mancini, DC
Gilles A. LaMarche, DC
Editor: Donald M. Dible, MS
Introduction: Jack Canfield, Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series
If you liked Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul, an anthology of 63 stories about Doctors of Chiropractic and their successful, diverse treatment of patients on a physical, emotional and—sometimes—spiritual level, you’ll love The Well-Adjusted Soul.
Highlights from one of the 75 stories in The Well-Adjusted Soul:
A decade had passed since William C. Remling had become a Doctor of Chiropractic, and he was becoming bored with his practice. Mind you, Bill was more than successful from a financial point of view; it’s just that he was getting tired of the “day-in and day-out merry-go-round of people, health complaints, and solutions….”
Then he attended a Chiropractic meeting in Atlanta at which a number of his colleagues shared personal stories about their joy in serving the profession.
A young Canadian took the microphone and described how he had treated a young father who was accompanied by his daughter, Jenny. During each session, the girl sat in the corner and said nothing. After about the fifth treatment, the child spoke up and asked if she could be adjusted.
“Jenny, I have to ask you a question,” said the doctor. “Why, after all this time, did you decide you wanted an adjustment? Do you have a back problem or pain?”
“No,” replied Jenny. “I just wanted to because it must be good for you.”
“How do you know that?” the doctor asked.”
“Because, since my dad has been getting adjusted, he’s stopped beating me.”
An excellent patient introduction to Chiropractic, the book also has much to say on a broader, more scientific level.
The Foreword is by James L. Chestnut, BEd, MSc, DC, CCWP, who serves as chair of the International Chiropractors Association Council of Wellness Science among other prestigious Chiropractic educational and research organizations.
Dr. Chestnut is a take-no-prisoners expounder of the scientific and philosophical justification of Chiropractic. Medical doctors need beware. Dr. Chestnut has an open mind to your explaining the benefits of medical treatments, but he expects and demands a similar open mindedness from MDs to his explanation of the effectiveness of Chiropractic treatment.
Co-authors, Drs. Mancini and LaMarche, are well known as president of Parker College of Chiropractic and Vice President of Parker Seminars, respectively. Dr. Mancini co-authored Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul. Dr. LaMarche is co-author of several other books including Chiropractic from the Heart and Steering Your Ship Called Life.”
Don Dible, an alumnus of MIT and Stanford, is the author/editor/compiler/publisher of more than 60 books. He received his first Chiropractic treatment in 2008 and determined that he would use his talent to broadcast the benefits of Chiropractic to other potential patients.
Individual patient marketing
The cover design of the book features a unique innovation that permits each copy to be “branded” with a custom, gold-foil notarial seal. As delivered from the printer, the cover of each book features an “undersized” gold-foil seal—intended to serve as the TARGET for a 2” Avery 5868 self-adhesive sticker available from any office supply store. Each package (under $5) contains 11 sheets of 4-up stickers created for desktop ink-jet printing; a free template download is available. Whatever practice-building message you print on the sticker is entirely up to you!
The 332-page paperback lists for $14.95 and can be purchased from SHARE Products at 800.950.8044 or online at Packed 20-books-to-a-case, 5 cases (100 books) are available at $9.50 per copy.