The best chiropractic tables have evolved greatly over the past years, making advancements in technology as well as comfort
Chiropractic and chiropractic tables first appeared in the United States in 1895, when Daniel David (D.D.) Palmer first successfully applied the newly-created treatment method, leading to the best chiropractic tables that head the market today.
That first table, say historians, was simply an ordinary wooden table or bench; it stood knee-high and supported the patient with pillows. It wasn’t until 1905 that a portable table was introduced, according to historian Steve Simmons, DC. The Adams Suit Case Table — a wooden table produced by the Suit Case Factory as part of the company’s Adams Line — came packaged in a leather case and opened into two pieces.
Patent pending
The first patented chiropractic table came along in 1910, according to Steve Agocs, DC. That patent was filed by John H. Schenck, a man who, historians believe, may or may not have been an actual doctor of chiropractic. In a drawing submitted with the patent, padding covers the top and bottom of the table, with thicker padding covering a sunken-in middle section.
Chiropractic tables with movable pieces debuted in 1955; this invention came about when J. Clay Thompson bought and practiced using a table with a broken headpiece. However, once he had replaced it with a new table, Thompson realized he had been having better results with the broken table because it allowed the patient’s head to drop slightly when he delivered a thrust. His patients preferred that broken table as well; this led Thompson to the development of the drop headpiece, a standard feature now of the best chiropractic tables.
Two years later, Thompson further innovated by creating a table with several drop points — in the dorsal, lumbar and pelvic areas. This table provided the foundation for the modern chiropractic table many DCs use today.
The best chiropractic tables: state of the art
The best chiropractic tables have evolved greatly over the past years, making advancements in technology as well as comfort. This gives DCs a plethora of options.
A table is a chiropractor’s single most important piece of equipment, so as you shop for one, take time to check out various manufacturers — and read their online reviews. Select a company with a track record of providing quality products and be sure to inquire about the warranty and ongoing customer support.
To review the latest in chiropractic tables click here.