July 25, 2012 — As Axiom has stated for months, HTRD, with the help of its agent(s) Excite Medical, Saleem Musallam, and others, has repeatedly misled the public, the medical community, and filed false documents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the U.S. FDA, and other U.S. and foreign government agencies in an attempt to fraudulently benefit, assign and utilize Axiom’s trademarks and intellectual property illegally.
In Axiom’s opinion, all of these acts have been illegal and harmful to Axiom.
On July 18, 2012 the Federal Court in Tampa, Fla., made a recommendation that ruled against HTRD and Excite Medical and their alleged ownership of the Axiom Intellectual Property. From day one, Axiom has always contested these allegations by HTRD and today a Federal Magistrate Judge has ruled that in the courts opinion “…the factual record which demonstrates that HTRD does not own any of the trademarks or other intellectual property at issue…” Axiom is the legal owner of its Intellectual Property, not HTRD, not Excite Medical, or any other company.
Source: Axiom Worldwide, axiomworldwide.com