Objective: This investigation evaluated the effects of Axial Trac enhanced flexion distraction combined with spinal manipulation on lower back pain and radicular lower extremity pain.
Methods: This is a review of 17 patients with lower back pain and/or radicular lower extremity pain that completed 10 treatments that included Axial Trac enhanced flexion distraction and spinal manipulation.
Axial Trac is a manual flexion distraction table that combines selected amounts of long axis traction simultaneously with each flexion stroke. Patients completed visual analog pain questionnaires prior to the first treatment, after the fifth treatment and after the 10th treatment.
Results: The 17 patients reported an average 66.2percent reduction of pain levels after five treatments and an average 74.2 percent reduction of pain levels after the 10th treatment.
Conclusion: In this investigation Axial Trac enhanced flexion distraction combined with spinal manipulation produced significant reduction in lower back and lower extremity pain levels.
Further studies comparing Axial Trac enhanced flexion distraction and traditional flexion distraction are indicated.
For more research, visit www.ChiroEco.com/ccr3axialtrac.
This research was provided by Axial Trac Corporation.