
The Association of New Jersey Chiropractors (ANJC), is a non-profit organization comprised of almost 2,000 licensed chiropractors, statewide. The organization is led by a 16-member board of directors.
Through integrity, access and education, the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors works to promote the highest level of quality chiropractic care.
The mission of the ANJC is toto improve the health of patients, families and communities by promoting high standards of professionalism and patient care through chiropractic methods, education, advocacy and accountability.
Founded: 2004
Physical Address: 77 Brant Avenue, Suite 210, Clark, NJ 07066
Website: anjc.info/aws/ANJC/pt/sp/home_page
Contact email: info@anjc.info
Association President: Steve Clarke, DC
Special Events/Yearly Shows: ANJC Fall Summit