The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Rehabilitation Council, also known as the Council on Chiropractic Physiologic, Therapeutics & Rehabilitation (CCPTR), this week announced its annual conference for the entire profession (members and non-members), which will be held on March 13-15, 2020, in Tempe, Ariz., at the Tempe Mission Palms Resort.
Learn from international experts including Dr. Scott Haldeman, Gray Cook, Col. Dr. Michael Lewis, Dr. Anthony Lisi, Dr. Brett Winchester, Dr. Jeffrey Tucker, Dr. Steven Capbianco, Dr. Brent Ungar and Dr. Peter Fields. The conference allows participants to accumulate 18 hours of CE approved in most states.
On Friday afternoon,Dr. Jeffrey Tuckerwill kick off the event, giving an update on topicals.Dr. Scott Haldemanwill teach about the role of the non-pharmacologic, non-surgical clinician in the management of disability related to spinal disorders. Gray Cook,co-founder of the FMS and SFMA, will provide updates on the functional prospective.
Other sessions include:
Col. Dr. Michael Lewis — Functional Medical Approach for Concussion
Dr. Anthony Lisi — Evidence Based Approach to Diagnosis, Triage and Clinical Management of Lumbar Spine Conditions
Dr. Brett Winchester — Multi-Modal Approach to Low-Back Pain
Dr. Steven Capobianco – Brain-Based Mechanics Corrective Program
Dr. Stavros Kavouras — The Impact of Water Intake on Health and Well Being
Dr. Brent Ungar — Laser Therapy for Musculoskeletal Rehab
Dr. Peter Fields — Regenerative Orthopedics: Non-Surgical Repair with Stem Cells/PRP/Prolotherapy
The council’s goal is to present an elevated experience that does more than just educate and demonstrate, immersing participants in expert-led keynotes and exploring new ideas in cutting-edge workshops.
For more information on ACA’s Rehab Council and registration, go to www.ACARehabCouncil.org.